Areas in your region, city or town that could be negatively impacted by policies to decarbonise...

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Areas in your region, city or town that could be negatively impacted by policies to decarbonise the economy or other environmental policies? by Mind Map: Areas in your region, city or town  that could be negatively impacted  by policies to decarbonise the economy  or other environmental policies?

1. GSK

2. supermarkets

2.1. delivery services

2.2. out of town supermarkets

3. rural villages due to reduction in current modes of transport

4. makers, sellers and users of wood burning stoves

5. BAE

6. drive thru restaurants

7. tourist industry

8. gas terminal and offshore gas

9. petrol stations

9.1. oil sellers

10. fossil fuel driven car sales/vehicle ownership

10.1. mechanics

10.2. frackers

11. delivery services

12. Farming

12.1. livestock

12.2. supply of feed

12.3. butchers and meat wholesalers

13. fossil fuel driven public transport

13.1. taxis

14. fossil fuel based manufacturers/ suppliers

14.1. gas installers

14.2. oil heating