Possible local opportunities for low carbon industries, jobs and other activities

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Possible local opportunities for low carbon industries, jobs and other activities by Mind Map: Possible local opportunities for low carbon industries, jobs and other activities

1. Transport

1.1. Electrification of public transport

1.2. Improving infrastructure and routes

1.3. rickshaw taxis

1.4. more cycle routes

1.5. encourage walking to school

1.6. more incentives to not use cars

1.7. fare subsidies

2. Greater access to and affordability of low or zero carbon leisure activities

3. swap shop to redistribute clothes and other goods

4. rationalise local food production and distribution

5. localisation of energy production and distribution

5.1. developing marine engineering knowledge for tidal turbines, etc

5.2. geothermal pumps

5.3. use of the mill race

5.3.1. small scale water turbines

5.3.2. traditional grinding

6. Wildlife conservation

6.1. more rewilding, tree planting and grassed areas

6.2. Cumbria Woodlands trust

6.3. RSPB

6.4. Foulshaw Mosses Restoration

6.5. Cumbria Wildlife Trust

6.5.1. eg South Walney: conservation work/education

7. Land/ buildings

7.1. community gardens

7.2. local recycling plants

7.3. Use GSK site for solar farm

7.4. More allotments

7.5. Housing Associations

7.6. composting site

7.6.1. reed/bracken composting toilets

8. Civic pride events

9. regional banks and credit unions

10. better methods of harnessing rainwater domestically