Low carbon industries and activities currently established

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Low carbon industries and activities currently established by Mind Map: Low carbon industries and  activities currently established

1. Schools

1.1. forest schools

1.2. wildlife areas

1.2.1. eg George Romney, Our Lady's, Ormsgill

1.3. green education

1.4. pupil/student action

2. council planning regulations

2.1. Transport

2.2. air quality

2.3. pollution

2.4. subsidise solar panels /domestic wind turbines

3. rewilding

4. local traders going plastic free

4.1. cut the wrap

4.2. Ripe

5. Labour Ulverston town council promoting green initiatives

6. Ulverston in bloom

7. recycling

8. allotments

9. Energy producers

9.1. wind farms

9.2. solar farms

9.3. nuclear

10. bike shops

11. locally sourced fresh market produce

11.1. low food miles

12. Ford Park

12.1. food production

12.2. green education

13. access to zero carbon leisure activities

14. electric charging points

15. use of glass and other reusable bottles