Second Lives

An exploratory map for the world of Second Life.

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Second Lives by Mind Map: Second Lives

1. Inworld Experiences

1.1. Postives

1.1.1. Negatives

2. Leisure

2.1. Music

2.1.1. Participation MetaMusic Audio Hub

2.1.2. Performance

2.1.3. Environmental

2.2. Fashion

2.3. Art

3. Productivity

4. Mal's InfoHub

5. Business

5.1. meetings

5.2. conferences

5.3. virtual workspaces


6.1. Gridmarker

6.2. BlogHud

6.3. Mystitool

6.4. MetaHUD

7. Wearables

8. Tools

9. Reporting

10. Future of Grid

11. New node