Chad's Challenges

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Chad's Challenges by Mind Map: Chad's Challenges

1. Background Information

1.1. Appearance

1.1.1. Hunky

1.1.2. Tanned

1.1.3. Robust

1.1.4. Mature look

1.2. Hobby - sports

1.3. Mid-twenties

1.4. Personality

1.4.1. Confident

1.4.2. Optimistic

1.4.3. Contentend

1.4.4. Independent

1.4.5. Diligent

2. Causes

2.1. Never genuinely care from his parent

2.1.1. Always gambling and dabbling

2.1.2. Their meagre salaries has been channeled into gambling and lost

2.2. His mother suffered heart attack

3. Consequences

3.1. Economic independence

3.1.1. Take care of himself and his only sibling brother physically and financially

3.2. Take care of his mother

3.2.1. He dropped his job and taking emergency leave to attend to his mother

4. Solution

4.1. Education

4.1.1. Pros Get grants and