Provide professional development for teachers in small groups, using multiple presenters on a rot...

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Provide professional development for teachers in small groups, using multiple presenters on a rotating basis that shares the best possible technologies so students can take advantage of using them. These sessions can also be asynchronous depending on teacher needs. by Mind Map: Provide professional development for teachers in small groups, using multiple presenters on a rotating basis that shares the best possible technologies so students can take advantage of using them. These sessions can also be asynchronous depending on teacher needs.

1. Have a folder in the shared drive so all groups can share ideas with each other asynchronously.

1.1. Various grade levels can share the pluses and deltas for what happened in their group as well as some good takeaways. Not all learners are the same so we need to give each other our own thoughts that others can learn from them.

2. Share the best technologies and programs that would benefit students right away by presenting the staff with useful tools and strategies to use.

2.1. Discuss the benefits of using the technology and how to best use it with staff members. Discuss what went well and not at the next PD in order to possibly make changes going forward.

3. Model solution and benefits in classroom. How can it advantage students, time, and effort.

3.1. Models and modeling of instruction provide teachers with a clear vision of what best practices look like with new technology tool.

4. Small group PD is content focused and incorporates active learning.

4.1. By giving teachers specific PD content supports teacher learning within the context they teach in classroom will make the D more benificial.

5. Plan and develop multiple asynchronous PDs that are more tailored.

5.1. Planning various asynchronous PDs for different staff members that more tailored to grade levels, subjects, and teachers and student interest teachers will appreciate the PD that is differentiated.

6. Provide teachers with ongoing support to try the tool and ask honest questions and give feedback.

6.1. Teachers need time to try a new teaching tool, as well as assistance when an issue or problem occurs. Having a staff onsite to help with questions is beneficial for teachers to feel that they have appropriate support needed to be successful.

7. Have multiple presenters so it’s not the same person leading each PD.

7.1. offering various PD leaders give various new ways to implement new technologies and provide a larger support group

8. PD that asynchronous for teachers that want to implement a new technology tool. but do not have time to attend another meeting.

8.1. learning from home allows for more opportunities for teachers to implement the technology. Teachers are too learning via technology and can value the benefits of learning technology, hopefully encouraging more positive technology uses in the classroom.