organ chip

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organ chip by Mind Map: organ chip

1. revolutinize medicine

2. make world a better place

3. give Dr's and nurses better and different job opportunites in the hospitals/offices...

4. personalized medicine

5. replace drug therapy

6. nano technology

7. inject genetic load

8. into cells

9. changes structure/function

10. 3d organ chip

11. fertility

12. mimicks menstruation

13. connecting them

14. greater longevity

15. chip carries DNA/RNA

16. to repair injury

17. evatar

18. for reproductive system

19. higher taxes higher cost of medical insurace/care

20. very vital for health system because degenerative disease very hard to cure

21. works like a regular blood vessel with all of its functions such as :clotting

22. skin, body, liver chips

23. reduce animal testing in the future

24. Neuron chip

25. vessel chip

26. lego like system

27. plug and play

28. 98% effective

29. challenge making human tissues/organs

30. organ chips lungs, heart ,kidneys,brain

31. liver organ chip is$ 22,000

32. speed up drug testing