Corporate Governance Report

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Corporate Governance Report by Mind Map: Corporate Governance Report

1. Cover page

1.1. Full name

1.1.1. Student number Name of subject and assessment

2. Tables of contents

2.1. All subheadings

3. Executive Summary

3.1. Brief overview of report

4. 2.0 Explaining Corporate Governance (CG)

4.1. Define corporate governance

4.2. 2.1 CG concepts

4.2.1. 2.2 CG Key benefits 2.3 Business ethics

5. 3.0 ASX CG Principles and Recommendations

5.1. 3.1 Principle 3: Instilling a culture of acting lawfully, ethically and responsibly

5.1.1. A business should strictly articulate and disclose its values.

5.1.2. A code of conduct for board members

5.1.3. Making sure that the board is informed of any breaches of the ethical code.

5.2. 3.2 Principle 3: Linking ethics by implementing these strategies. (recommendations)

5.2.1. Ensure that the board is informed of any material incidents reported under that policy

5.2.2. The importance of the whistleblower policy

5.2.3. The need for an anti-bribery and corruption policy

6. 4.0 Evaluation of Telstra

6.1. 4.1 Principle 3: Implementing how the company acts ethically and responsibly

6.1.1. Does Telstra use the whistleblower policy?

6.1.2. Does Telstra have an anti-bribery and corruption policy

6.1.3. Do they ensure that the board articulate and disclose its value

7. 5.0 Conclusion

7.1. Summarise the report

8. 6.0 Reference List

8.1. Include CG report

8.1.1. Compulsory readings Own sourced text Any other specific website used Telstra's annual report

9. 1.0 Introduction

9.1. Why is this report so important?

9.1.1. Summarise makin point