MY ADDIE By Pablo Ojeda August, 2019

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MY ADDIE By Pablo Ojeda August, 2019 by Mind Map: MY ADDIE By Pablo Ojeda August, 2019


1.1. • Deliver training

1.2. • Provide help or support as needed

2. 5.- EVALUATION (Using Kirkpatrick Model)

2.1. • Level 1: Did the participants react positively to the program?

2.2. • Level 2: Did the participants learn the skills taught in the program?

2.3. • Level 3: Did the participants' behavior on the job change as a result of the program?

2.4. • Level 4: Did the change in behavior affect the organization positively?

3. • Select media

3.1. • Prepare draft materials and activities

3.1.1. • Try out materials and activities with target audience members


4.1. • Conduct a Needs Analysis:

4.1.1. • Who needs the training?

4.1.2. • Why do people need the training?

4.1.3. • What skills need to be learned?

4.1.4. • When will they need the new skills?

4.1.5. • Where may the training be conducted?

4.2. • Determine course goals

4.2.1. • How may the new skills be taught?

5. 2.- DESIGN

5.1. • Write learning objectives

5.2. • Determine topics to be covered and how much time will be spent on each

5.3. • Translate course goals into performance outcomes and course objectives

5.4. • Create lesson plan

5.5. • Identify learning activities and excercises to be used

5.6. • Identify assessment instruments


6.1. • Revise, refine and produce materials and activities

6.2. • Produce instructor training materials if needed