Department of valle del cauca

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Department of valle del cauca by Mind Map: Department of valle del cauca

1. Regional Commission of Competitiveness and Innovation - CRCI

1.1. Regional Commission of Competitiveness and Innovation

1.2. Executive committee

1.3. Secretaría Técnica

1.4. Mesas o Comités Técnicos

1.5. Orange Economy Node

1.6. Regional Entrepreneurship Network (RRE)

1.7. Science, Technology Table and Agricultural Innovation

2. Programs, Projects and Initiatives

2.1. 1 Aquaculture Project

2.2. 2 Projects Services

2.3. 2 Agricultural Projects

2.4. 3 Transversal Projects

3. Gaps from the classifications and indicators by department

3.1. Educación superior y formación para el trabajo 3. Educación para el trabajo y el desarrollo humano

3.2. Mercado laboral 4. Utilización del talento 5. Desempeño del mercado laboral

3.3. Tamaño del mercado 6. Tamaño del mercado interno 7. Tamaño del mercado externo

3.4. Sophistication and diversification 8. Diversification of destination markets exports 9. Diversification of the export basket

3.5. Innovación y dinámica empresarial 10. Investigación 11. Registros de propiedad industrial 12. Dinámica empresarial

3.6. Adopción TIC 1. Capacidades TIC 2. Infraestructura TI

4. Departmental Indicators

4.1. Number of inhabitants, 2020 Census: 1,122,622

4.2. Working age population, 2020: 79.2%

4.3. Unemployment rate, 2020: 13.6%

4.4. Share of National GDP, 2020: 1.7%

4.5. Degree of commercial openness (Foreign Trade / Departmental GDP), 2020: 9.5%

4.6. Business density (Companies / 1,000 inhabitants), 2020: 4.96

5. Priority productive bets of the department:

5.1. Technology-Based Agroindustry

5.2. Turismo

5.3. Mining

5.4. creative economy

5.5. Pisciculture

5.6. Energía