Empowering students to harness the power of social networking for learning

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Empowering students to harness the power of social networking for learning by Mind Map: Empowering students to harness the power of social networking for learning

1. Teaching and learning

2. Leadership management

3. Wise Kids

3.1. Internet safety

3.1.1. emotional literacy social literacy

3.2. being pro-active

3.2.1. age appropriate

3.3. importance of peer education

4. Parental engagement

5. Wider opportunities

6. Twitter contributions Friday 13th January

6.1. broadcasting (Broadcasting live at is.gd/rwNR4R) #mmafa. Will be good dan_bowen Dan Bowen

6.2. #mmafa sue Briggs talking about mobile tech ...going through some.free.sen.apps dan_bowen Dan Bowen

6.3. @theokk: #mmafa User Generated Content (& context) make the video of a walk - a learning experience that's a great idea dan_bowen Dan Bowen

6.4. BeTT has been a learning curve especially #mmafa seeing how all the different technologies we have all seen smart boards used but iPads/iPod gpc007 Grant

6.5. Streaming Achievemtn for All #MMAFA (live at ustre.am/GA7A) eyebeams Leon Cych #mmafa #bett_show if you are not at #bett_show join live stream from AfA MirandaMods is.gd/Ei4vZe theokk theo kuechel #mmafa #bett_show is.gd/gckK1N theokk theo kuechel

6.6. RT @cyberbrikkie: #mmafa @eyebeams about to start streaming. Check his tweets for the link. is.gd/rwNR4R theokk theo kuechel

6.7. Video of Sonia Blandford explaining the philosophy and practices of Achievement for All.#mmafa cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

6.8. negative press about social media and children and schools. There has been a lot of this, #mmafa how to harness it for good... mattpearson Matthew Pearson

6.9. Leon Cych

6.9.1. #mmafa @eyebeams up next ….. talking about his work in schools using social media theokk theo kuechel

6.9.2. @eyebeams Nice to see you xx #mmafa (live at ustre.am/GA7A) lisibo lisibo

6.9.3. Now @eyebeams talking at achievement for all social media discussion #MMAFA cliffmanning cliff manning

6.9.4. At #mmafa Achievement for All session in Gallery Room 1. Still in intro section but this session wll look at use of Social Media in AfA tonyparkin Tony Parkin

6.9.5. @eyebeams #mmafa PuppetPals and other story making apps are brilliant lisibo lisibo

6.9.6. Listening to AFA social media session at BETT12 @afa3as #mmafa alynbailey Alyn Bailey

6.9.7. #mmafa @eyebeams reporting on his earlier twitter call for goes online SEN resources - was very successful - its about people theokk theo kuechel

6.9.8. Www.communication4all.co.uk looks like great SEN resources from @bevevans22 #MMAFA #ukedchat cliffmanning cliff manning

6.9.9. wifi is struggling and stream is cutting out :o( #mmafa (live at ustre.am/GA7A) lisibo lisibo

6.9.10. Your best resource is other people- great quote from @eyebeams #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

6.9.11. #mmafa please to report room 1 now nearly full - still space for a few more is.gd/gckK1N theokk theo kuechel

6.9.12. People still arriving for @eyebeams session on the use of social media in schools. Grand Gallery Room One.#mmafa cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

6.9.13. @eyebeams doing a great job of explaining the value of Twitter for using social media smartly -hooking up with people is the impt bit #mmafa lisibo lisibo

6.9.14. The tech just augments what you do - another great quote from @eyebeams #mmafa #bett dan_bowen Dan Bowen

6.9.15. RT @dan_bowen: Your best resource is other people- great quote from @eyebeams #mmafa < and twitter is best way to harness that resource deerwood Doug

6.9.16. PLNs / networks can be local national or international - creating agency and community. #mmafa @eyebeams lisibo lisibo

6.9.17. #mmafa q from audience - how can parents benefit from social media? theokk theo kuechel

6.9.18. #mmafa agency - an important outcome from using social media theokk theo kuechel

6.9.19. @eyebeams sharing - Angelblogs - turns schoolbag feeds into an app - sounds great! Better than text messaging?? #mmafa lisibo lisibo

6.9.20. Forget the media hype about the evil of social networks: they are also a really powerful force for good.#mmafa cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

6.9.21. #mmafa a. ex from audience - parents benefit can stay in touch with pupils - say on school trips theokk theo kuechel

6.9.22. #mmafa quadblogging gets shout out at MirandaMod from @eyebeams cc @DeputyMitchell theokk theo kuechel

6.9.23. the audience for the first #mmafa has picked up nicely… @eyebeams is talking about social media and the audience are getting involved . . mattpearson Matthew Pearson

6.9.24. RT @cyberbrikkie: Forget the media hype about the evil of social networks: they are also a really powerful force for good.#mmafa theokk theo kuechel

6.9.25. Also get your policies right for the tech to make the culture change easier #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

6.9.26. social media allows e.g. educational visits from the comfort of classroom to places previously impossible to visit #mmafa lisibo lisibo

6.9.27. Great point from the audience about current limitations and inflexibility of communication on some VLEs… #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson

6.9.28. #mmafa good debate of safety and social media emerging in audience theokk theo kuechel

6.9.29. 'That's the beauty of Twitter - ask a question and you've got the answer a minute later' @eyebeams #mmafa lisibo lisibo

6.9.30. #mmafa really pleased audience engaging with topics - great discussions emerging - and crowds piling in ; ) theokk theo kuechel

6.9.31. @eyebeams et al - please keep tweeting what's going on - I've got to go and do some shopping #mmafa lisibo lisibo

6.9.32. #mmafa @eyebeams "safety is about education and management not blocking.. theokk theo kuechel

6.9.33. "young people may not have a concept of the internet' Do young people understand it as a space with laws and procedures…great point #mmafa eyebeams Leon Cych

6.9.34. We have the stream up again at #mmafa sorry I can't clone myself (live at ustre.am/GA7A) cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

6.9.35. WiseKids perspective on digital literacy and skills for life #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

6.9.36. The problem of don't do it materials is the same as in history...they do it #mmafa @theokk. The quotes keep on coming dan_bowen Dan Bowen

6.9.37. If schools don't embrace then they will be left behind by kids, parents AND community #mmafa @tonyparkin now discussing trust from schools dan_bowen Dan Bowen

6.9.38. Done some amazing work at a special school on facebook on raising boys writing..look for the opportinities #mmafa it works! theokk theo kuechel

6.10. Sangheet Bhullar

6.10.1. For free social media safety resources for primary schools and parents check www.safesocialnetworking.org #MMAFA cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

6.10.2. Costs and benefits of technologies: the more locked down they are for 'safety' the more restricted for parents. Involve everyone.#mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

6.10.3. Great debate on esafety and soc-media #mmafa each community needs to develop their own policy @eyebeams mattpearson Matthew Pearson

6.10.4. When we facilitate the responsible and productive use of social media in schools, we are also teaching an employability skill #mmafa lisibo lisibo

6.10.5. It's not a quick fix"" @eyebeams So true! Hence my #tmbett12 2 minute presentation! #mmafa" mattpearson Matthew Pearson

6.10.6. Start with reality of what young people are actually doing... Facebook age limit of 13yrs - 80% of our y7s are on... #MMAFA gr8ict gr8ict

6.10.7. @sangeet now speaking about innovative use of tech by young people for young people #mmafa (live at ustre.am/GA7A) eyebeams Leon Cych

6.10.8. RT @cyberbrikkie: WiseKids perspective on digital literacy and skills for life #mmafa theokk theo kuechel

6.10.9. It's literacy not age as plenty of kids are digitally literate safe and plenty of parents aren't. We don't hear those examples #MMAFA rslosek Rosie Slosek

6.10.10. #mmafa some excellent points on digital skills for vulnerable young people by @sangeet theokk theo kuechel

6.10.11. Good point from Sanjit on the concept of friends for autistic children and the dangers of being duped be on-line 'friends' #mmafa alynbailey Alyn Bailey

6.10.12. @sangeet: harness the knowledge, skills and power of young people: they don't listen to us but they might listen to each other.#mmafa cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

6.10.13. great points continue to come from the audience….. #mmafa . . about the real issues of using social media with children and young people mattpearson Matthew Pearson

6.10.14. We need the dialogue for the tech like PSN XBOX_Live - agreed! Getting parents and staff on board is hardwork but needed regularly #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

6.10.15. Young people showing leadership and training each other? - digital leaders www.gr8ict.com/blog #MMAFA gr8ict gr8ict

6.10.16. #mmafa @sanjeet makes comes to some nuanced conclusions on the standard broadbrush approach to eSafety and social media theokk theo kuechel

6.10.17. We are back up again on stream #mmafa (live at ustre.am/GA7A) eyebeams Leon Cych

6.10.18. @nizlamb absolutely agree.. some paranoia and misinformation leads to negative rather than positive actions . . #mmafa mattpearson Matthew Pearson

6.10.19. #mmafa is.gd/rwNR4R excellent live eSafety debate at MirandaMod theokk theo kuechel

6.10.20. How do I manage my responsibilities for digital literacy and new a-level, vle development, Oh, and computing... #MMAFA gr8ict gr8ict

6.10.21. #mmafa Teachers at #BETT12 and beyond should tune into ustre.am/GA7A joecar Joe Wilson

6.10.22. If there was more talk about the positives then more schools may use social net @tonyparkin #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

6.10.23. RT @joecar: #mmafa Teachers at #BETT12 and beyond should tune into is.gd/rwNR4R #safety theokk theo kuechel

6.10.24. harness the knowledge, skills and power of young people: they don't listen to us but they might listen to each other.#mmafa cyberbrikkie John Cuthell

6.10.25. I'll put the details on a resource of a really good fb asperger's page for support and discussion #MMAFA rslosek Rosie Slosek

6.10.26. #mmafa - good call from audience - social media could be of great benefit to young carers - often overlooked section theokk theo kuechel

6.10.27. RT @dan_bowen: Your best resource is other people- great quote from @eyebeams #mmafa tonyparkin Tony Parkin

6.10.28. For more on young carers social media project please drop me a line #MMAFA cliffmanning cliff manning

6.10.29. RT @cliffmanning: For more on young carers social media project please drop me a line #MMAFA theokk theo kuechel

6.10.30. #MMAFA I have pens if anyone needs one for the A4A survey rslosek Rosie Slosek

6.10.31. @familysimpson: @dan_bowen Munch, Poke, Ping: goo.gl/svXhN @theokk. Briliant thanks. Will read it later #mmafa dan_bowen Dan Bowen

6.11. More detail on Young carers project and social media on school visits will be available for public soon but contact me in mean time #MMAFA cliffmanning cliff manning

6.12. For more examples of young people using socialmedia in learning check www.radiowaves.co.uk + teacher presentation at BETT on sat #MMAFA cliffmanning cliff manning

6.13. Pics from this morning's MirandaMod - we start again at 3:30 is.gd/gckK1N #mmafa theokk theo kuechel

6.14. Thanks to @rslosek for the FaceBook aspergers page here facebook.com/aspergersaware… for the #MMAFA eyebeams Leon Cych

7. Sharing good practice

7.1. engaging with schools

7.1.1. How do we encourage the involement of children in all aspects

7.1.2. Peer relationships

8. Social media

8.1. all about people sharing information

8.1.1. TES resources for SEND Quad blogging connecting four schools to interact with one another live blogs in real time web cam signing

8.2. using smart methods such as Twitter

8.2.1. engaging parents in school activities such as trips, meetings (quick responses)

8.2.2. opens portals of collaboration

8.2.3. hidden talents

8.2.4. trust and transparency

8.3. Dan Roberts/Education leader

9. link?