Home sweet comb Connected 2012
by Cameron Detlaff
1. The Natural beehive
1.1. In the wild Bees make nests/hives in hollows in trees or rocks. Some have Hives hanging from trees instead of in hollows.
2. Ancient Egyptian Beehives
2.1. Ancient Egyptians Bee hives Ancient Egyptians made cylindrical Bee hives from clay. The design was simple. A hollow pipe with a hole in one end for the Bees to come in and out and a removable slab on the other end. When the honey comb was full they smocked out the Bees from the Hive then they removed the Honey Comb.
3. Log Bee Hives From Poland
3.1. The Hives were vertical and the Bees went in and out threw holes in the front.
4. Skeps and Bee Boles
4.1. In some countries some people make Hives from straw and hung them from a hook in a Bee bole.
5. Ancient Israeli BeeHives
5.1. The oldest Bee Hives were 3000 years old. Amazing! They were found in a ancient city in Israel. They were a hollow and round like the Egyptian hives. The Hives were found in rows in a room that could have held up to 200 Hives.
6. Traditional Ethiopian Bee Hives
6.1. Many cultures weave basket Bee Hives because there cheap and easy to make. They put the up in trees. But the annoying part was that they had to destroy the Hive to get the Honey Comb out.
7. Top Bar Bee Hives
8. Top bar Bee Hives have wooden bars laid across the top of the hive. The Bees attach the Honey comb to this.
9. The langstronth Bee Hive
9.1. The langstronth hive is a box with four sides a roof and floor. There is a hole for them to enter and exit. The Boxes can be stacked on top of each over,