Triple Bottom Line (1944)

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Triple Bottom Line (1944) by Mind Map: Triple Bottom Line (1944)

1. 3P's

1.1. Planet

1.1.1. Look after YOUR planet Use natural materials for manufacturing

1.2. People

1.2.1. Do something for people Reward your human capital, your labors ands the community

1.3. Profit

1.3.1. Don't forget involving profits Good organizational activities help to earn profit

2. John Elkington

2.1. Accounting framework

2.1.1. Incorporate Social & enviromental factors

3. what is?

3.1. Is driving the decision-making of the world´s top brands.

4. Companies concern

4.1. Revenues

4.2. Profits

4.3. Enviroment

5. Sustainability Programs

5.1. Crucial in business

5.2. World change

5.3. Balance ecologycal system

6. 3P´s

6.1. People

6.1.1. Considers employees The labor involved in a corporation´s work

6.2. Planet

6.2.1. the most ecological possible