Recommended Course of Action for the Council of Safety in 1776 Georgia

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Recommended Course of Action for the Council of Safety in 1776 Georgia by Mind Map: Recommended Course of Action for the Council of Safety in 1776 Georgia

1. Military Situation in Georgia during the Summer of 1776?

2. Who had a better grasp of the logistical problems associated with a siege?

3. Military Situation in Georgia during the Summer of 1776?

4. Military Situation in Georgia during the Summer of 1776?

5. Military Situation in Georgia during the Summer of 1776?

6. What Assets did they believe Georgia possessed that would ensure success?

7. What Assets did they believe Georgia possessed that would ensure success?

8. What threats (internal and external) did the rebels foresee?

9. What threats (internal and external) did the rebels foresee?

10. How did they propose to defend Georgia if attacked?

11. What opportunities did they believe were available for external assistance?

12. How did they think the "Indian problem" could be solved?

13. How did they think the "Indian problem" could be solved?

14. How did they think the "Indian problem" could be solved?

15. Why did General Lee believe an invasion of East Florida would work?

16. Why did General Lee believe an invasion of East Florida would work?

17. Why did Georgians think an invasion of East Florida would work?

18. Why did Georgians think an invasion of East Florida would work?

19. What advantages did the Georgians see in striking East Florida first?

20. What advantages did the Georgians see in striking East Florida first?

21. Who had a better grasp of the logistical problems associated with a siege?

22. Who had a better grasp of the logistical problems associated with a siege?

23. Who had a better grasp of the logistical problems associated with a siege?