Aviation Operations

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Aviation Operations by Mind Map: Aviation  Operations

1. Ticket Sales

1.1. Travel Agencies

1.1.1. Sunweb

1.1.2. D-Reizen

1.2. Webstore

1.2.1. cheaptickets.nl

1.2.2. tix.nl

1.3. Airport

2. Airplane Maintanance

2.1. Lufthansa Technik

2.2. Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintanance

2.3. Delta Tech-Ops

3. Flight Crew

3.1. Pilots

3.1.1. Flight Academy

3.2. Stewards

3.2.1. In-Flight Catering

4. Airplane Manufacturers

4.1. Airbus

4.2. Boeing

4.3. Honeywell

4.4. Embraers

4.5. Bombardier

5. Fuel Providers

5.1. AFS

5.2. Shell Aviation

5.3. Western Global

6. Air Traffic Control

7. Airlines

8. Investors

8.1. Stocks

8.2. Sponsors

9. Route Charges

10. Upper Area Control

11. Legenda

11.1. Rode Pijl: Uitgaven

11.2. Groene Pijl: Inkomsten

11.3. Blauwe Pijl: Samenwerking


13. Taxes

13.1. EUROCONTROL costs

13.2. Government Authorities

13.3. Equipment costs

13.3.1. Aeronautical

13.3.2. Meteorological

14. Cargo

14.1. Full Freighter

14.1.1. FedEx

14.1.2. DHL

14.2. Cargo & Passenger Combi

15. Advertenties

16. Bagage

17. Airlines


19. Air Traffic Control

20. Route Charges

21. Airport Authority

21.1. Security

21.2. Marechaussee

21.3. Douane

22. Airport

23. Airplane Parking Fee

24. Landing and Take-off Fee

25. Property & Real Estate

25.1. Visitor Parking

25.2. Retail Concessions

26. Cargo

26.1. Dangerous Goods

26.2. Import

26.3. Export

27. Handling

27.1. Aviapartner

27.2. KLM

27.3. Viggo

27.4. dnata

27.5. Special assistant Service

27.5.1. Axxicom

27.6. Airport & aircraft cleaning

27.6.1. Asito

28. Shuttle Bus Service

29. Airport Gate Management

30. Lower Area Control

30.1. LVNL

31. Gate-to-gate Services

31.1. ATM

31.1.1. Staff-cost

31.2. CNS

31.2.1. Infrastructure Rent Energy Insurance

32. ANSP's

32.1. SAR

32.2. ATM (Air Traffic Management)

32.2.1. MET

32.3. ASM

32.4. ATFCM

32.5. AIS

32.6. CNS

33. Airlines