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Present Perfect by Mind Map: Present Perfect

1. Auxiliary verb: Have/Has

1.1. I have

1.2. You have

1.3. We have

1.4. They have

1.5. She has

1.6. He has

1.7. It has

2. Past participle

2.1. done

2.1.1. Irregular Verb To do

2.2. been

2.2.1. Irregular Verb To be / To go*

2.3. called

2.3.1. Regular Verb To call

2.4. talked

2.4.1. Regular Verb To talk

3. Key words

3.1. Before

3.2. Lately

3.3. Just

3.4. Already

3.5. Yet

3.6. Ever

4. When/How to use it

4.1. Para indicar experiências vividas

4.1.1. I have eaten shrimp twice.

4.1.2. I have never been here before.

4.2. Para indicar o que acabou de ser feito

4.2.1. I have just arrived

4.2.2. I have just taken a shower

4.3. Para falar de coisas que temos feito ultimamente

4.3.1. I have worked at "Company Really Good S.A." for 30 years.

4.3.2. I have lived in downtown Varginha for 5 years.

4.3.3. I haven't seen her for a week.

4.4. Para falar de acontecimentos do passado que afetam o presente.

4.4.1. Studies have shown the effect of climate change on planet Earth.

4.4.2. Wow, look at this. It has rained a lot.