Part of debate

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Part of debate by Mind Map: Part of debate

1. Research

1.1. To get reliable sources

1.2. Get information from internet to support your opinion

1.3. Investigate

1.4. Credible sources

1.5. Research to find evidence for your claim

1.5.1. Ethos, Pathos, Logos

1.6. To explore

2. Public Speaking

2.1. Having a speech

2.2. Having a talk in the public

2.3. Have a audiences

2.4. Eye contact

2.5. Stand up straight

2.6. Body language

2.7. Loud and clear voice

2.8. Speak clearly

2.9. Be confident

2.10. Practice

2.10.1. Prepare

2.11. Listen when others speaking

3. Collaboration

3.1. Work as a group

3.2. Communicate with team members

3.3. Sharing information

3.4. Help each other research

3.5. Be patient and understanding

3.6. Explain

3.7. Honestly and respectfully

4. Topic

4.1. Main point

4.2. The theme of your article

4.3. Idea

4.4. Subject

4.5. Can be anything

4.6. Be specific

4.7. What your are debating about

5. Claim/Agrument

5.1. Use the evidence to argue

5.1.1. Ethos, Pathos, Logos

5.2. Argue with someone who disagree your opinion

5.3. Stating you opinion

5.4. Perspective

5.4.1. Point of view, opinion, the way you see things

5.5. Agree/Disagree

5.6. Opposing sides

5.7. Be respectful/Respective Sides