Examine how people in design and technologies occupations address competing considerations, inclu...

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Examine how people in design and technologies occupations address competing considerations, including sustainability in the design of products, services, and environments for current and future use (ACTDEK019) by Mind Map: Examine how people in design and technologies occupations address competing considerations, including sustainability in the design of products, services, and environments for current and future use (ACTDEK019)

1. Linking Concept 1: Sustainability

1.1. How is sustainability incorporated into the design of products

1.1.1. e.g. clothing items being made of recycled materials

1.1.2. e.g. electrical products that are designed to be durable and long lasting so as to not need replacing regularly

1.1.3. e.g. product packaging

1.2. how is sustainability incorporated into the design of services

1.2.1. e.g. waste management processes, how/whether organisations recycle

1.2.2. e.g. staff wages and ethical conditions

1.3. how does sustainability design benefit some and disadvantage others

1.3.1. e.g. products made from sustainable materials can often be too expensive for many people to afford

2. Linking Concept 2: Products

2.1. How important are aesthetics in the design of products in comparison to its function?

2.1.1. encouraging people to want to buy them

2.1.2. e.g. important in some products and less so for other, important for textile/clothing products, furniture/decor, personal electronics etc.

2.2. products designed as solutions

2.2.1. those that ensure safety and well being of others e.g. smoke alarm

2.2.2. e.g. medical products

3. Linking Concept 3: Environments

3.1. Impact of design features of an environment

3.1.1. e.g. adding solar panels to a home to improve sustainability

3.1.2. e.g restoring a natural environment or adding fire breaks to prevent bush fires

3.2. how does the design of environments impact local/regional/global communities

3.2.1. e.g. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities being affected by the destruction of sacred sights for mining purposes/developments