1. Due Date
1.1. Due Dates are FINAL
1.2. Friday, February 17th
1.2.1. Rough Draft
1.3. Monday, February 20th
1.3.1. Final Draft
2. Issues
2.1. Formatting
2.1.1. 3 Pages
2.1.2. Double Spaced
2.1.3. 12 Font
2.1.4. Times New Roman
2.2. Submission
2.2.1. Follow the assigned DUE DATES
2.3. Group Member Issues
2.3.1. Suck it up
3. Notes
3.1. We will be meeting on Friday, February 17th to discuss the final comments made on each of the papers presented in class.
3.1.1. Please be sure to be there early, with your paper and a writing utensil!!!!!
4. Submission
5. Groupings
5.1. Group 1
5.1.1. Cody & Josh
5.2. Group 2
5.2.1. Casey & Jennifer
5.3. Group 3
5.3.1. Matt & Charles
5.4. Group 4
5.4.1. Sarah & Jeff
6. Timeline
6.1. Grouping
6.1.1. Monday, February 13
6.2. Topics
6.2.1. Tuesday, February 14
6.3. Review of Topics
6.3.1. Wednesday, February 15
6.4. 1st Draft
6.4.1. Thursday, February 16
6.5. Rough Draft
6.5.1. Friday, February 17
6.6. Final Draft
6.6.1. Monday, February 20
7. Project Information
7.1. Definitions
7.2. Items to be Discussed
7.3. Do and Don't
7.3.1. Do Be Creative Work Hard Use Original Work
7.3.2. Don't Slack Off Plagarize Sell yourself short
7.4. Due Date Needed
8. Topics
8.1. Please Post your topics to a new node by clicking 'Tab'
8.1.1. eBook Development Great Topic Here are some additional materials to check out!
8.1.2. Gaming in Higher Education Interesting Here is an article you may want to check out
8.1.3. Mobile Learning Very relevant I have written a paper on this, feel free to use as a citation
8.1.4. Smart Phones and Me Will be an easy topic to research Additional Smart materials to consider