Rupert Murdoch purchase of Star company

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Rupert Murdoch purchase of Star company by Mind Map: Rupert Murdoch purchase of Star company

1. Administrative

1.1. Advantages

1.1.1. Planning on doing business with strong governments in place. If it was successful would have been able to rely upon the foreign governments top maintain quality.

1.2. Disadvantages

1.2.1. Didn't take into factor how his comments would affect these foreign governments.

2. Cultural

2.1. Advantages

2.1.1. Had a huge market that enjoyed television.

2.2. Disadvantages

2.2.1. Didn't consider that most of the country didn't want English-language television.

3. Economic

3.1. Murdoch didn't consider the wealth difference in the Asian market. His company would have only been able to target the top 5%.