Impact of Spinning Machines

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Impact of Spinning Machines by Mind Map: Impact of Spinning Machines

1. Work

1.1. less money

1.2. Unemployment

1.3. Less work

2. Life

2.1. Starving

2.2. Unhappy

2.2.1. Unhappy

2.2.2. Unhappy

2.2.3. Unhappy

2.2.4. Unhappy

3. Classes

3.1. Capitalists

3.1.1. Own factories

3.2. Proletarians

3.2.1. Don't own

4. Wealth

4.1. Factory owners

5. Craftsmen

5.1. decreased

5.2. no costumers

6. Trade

6.1. Spread

6.2. Increased

7. Ideas

7.1. United

7.2. Socialism

8. Economy

8.1. Improved

9. Ambition

9.1. Limited

9.2. Despair

10. Production

10.1. Increased