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Kodu by Mind Map: Kodu

1. lesson ideas

1.1. Microsoft

1.1.1. 1. Getting started with Keyboard and Mouse

1.1.2. 2. Getting started with XBox and Controller

1.1.3. 3. Single session introduction

1.1.4. 4. Keyboard and Mouse

1.1.5. 5. XBox Controller

1.1.6. 6. Math Module

1.2. Stuart Rideout

1.2.1. Apple Collection Game

1.3. Interactive classroom

1.3.1. KS3 scheme of work (7weeks)

1.4. @GeekyNicki

1.4.1. Kodu in the Klassroom

1.4.2. Kodu and Literacy

1.5. #ictcurric Moodle

1.5.1. Unknown Dude Where's My Identity

2. Videos

3. PDF User Guides

3.1. Planet Kodu - Trainer Manual

3.2. Planet Kodu - Participant Manual

3.3. Kodu Learning Guide

3.4. Getting started with Kodu Game Lab

3.5. Create a whole game - Generic wars

4. Websites

4.1. Planet Kodu

5. Codes for example games

5.1. Pacman

5.2. Pong