Id, Ego, Superego

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Id, Ego, Superego by Mind Map: Id, Ego, Superego

1. Superego

1.1. The Hunger Games

1.2. Superman

1.3. Wonder Woman

1.4. Firefighter

1.5. Even though my hands were full, I helped my parents carry in some groceries.

2. Ego

2.1. Harry Potter

2.2. The Blind Side

2.3. Doctor

2.4. Hawaii Five-0

2.5. Instead of going to my friend's party, I went to my school tournament.

3. Id

3.1. The Game Plan

3.1.1. Sub Idea 1

3.1.2. Sub Idea 2

3.2. United States

3.3. Look At Me Now- Chris Brown

3.4. Switched At Birth

3.5. Since I got a bad grade, I chose not to focus in the next class and only worry about that grade.