Development, Virunga

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1. Political Factors

1.1. Inter an Intra conflicts are reflected on a decrease of economic growth and sustainability

1.2. Represents an obstacle for development since this is based on the peace, security and respect for Human Rights

1.3. Terror group networks easily get a base on states in frequent conflict

1.4. Conflicts affect neighbor states due to migration and refugees

1.5. States with a higher score on the Corruption Perception Index can develop easier due to their stability

1.6. External actors exploting their local natural resources for wealth due to the weak sovereignity bringing violence

1.7. You are the right hand of the park; we are buying you- corruption index

1.8. Offering bribes to work against the park

1.9. The corruption threatens everything we are working for

2. Economic Factors

2.1. Development can be fasten with the help of a monetary income which could be either stock other credit

2.2. Stock economic resources are those possessed by the state which can be exploted without paying a fee or tax due to the production of the same state

2.3. Credit economic resources are thos borrowed by external actors which will charge an interest for giving the money

2.4. External aid can result for good to the development of the state when talking about human development

2.5. When aid is not correctly manage or a corrupt government is ruling this could be contraproducent because of the danger of loosing autonomy.

2.6. SOCO use economic power to offer the population roads universities and other infrastructural goods if they support them, also use hard power, military to oppress them and force them to accept

3. Social Factors

3.1. Values culture and tradition will influence how hard and well would people work affecting directly the productivity of a state

3.2. These factors also can influence on how investment on the country behaviors because of the external perception of future success or failure

3.3. Expanding the social characteristics of a state will result on a soft power which affect relationships and the behaviour of other states

3.4. Gender Inequality affects development becaus it reduces the opportunities of women

3.5. A satisfied society will reduce the migration rates which give more stability to the state

3.6. My father was who taught me how to respect animals, so today I’m doing what my father created on my heart when i was a little boy

3.7. It is about integrity and honestity we have to maintain the respect and discipline

4. Sustainable Development: bring greater prosperity to the local population, and stability to the region without compromising the resources of future generations

5. Alternative

5.1. Seek for the human deveopment by guaranteeing Human Rights

5.2. Focuses on reducing the vulnerabilities of a state

5.3. Give more importance to indexes that measure the well being of the individuals rather than only the economic growth

6. Orthodox

6.1. Economy as the most important factor for achieving development

6.2. Believe on a Free Market which will distribute wealth in a natural way

6.3. Invisible hand regulates the market towards the goal of a economic growth

6.4. SOCO’s orthodox development plan search development by only growing the economy without caring about sustainability

7. Environmental Factors

7.1. Geographical ubication directly affect the resources available for each state and make cheaper or more expensive to import, export, supply goods and mantain the health of people

7.2. Climate Change affects nature on an unpredictable way which affects on production, health, poverty and stability

7.3. Climate change mostly affects developing areas which didn't have a major impact and neither have the resources to face their coming challenges

7.4. Oil explotaion is not compatible with preservation, and the law says so

7.5. The oil is an exhaustible resource whereas fauna and flora are inexhaustible resources

7.6. Even if they are authorized to explote oil it will finish, but the park will remain through years from one generation to another