Planning and Revision for Developing Writers by Kimin Kim

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Planning and Revision for Developing Writers by Kimin Kim by Mind Map: Planning and Revision for Developing Writers        by Kimin Kim

1. New Environments and Forms of Writing

1.1. Electronic personal communication

1.1.1. instant messaging

1.1.2. e-mailing

1.1.3. social networking, or blogging

2. Composing Hypermedia

2.1. multiple media

2.1.1. development of cognitive design skills including research skills, planning and management.

2.1.2. offer multiple ways for students to learn and demonstrate their knowledge

2.1.3. supported high levels of peer interaction.

3. Internet Communication

3.1. Internet

3.1.1. Students were highly motivated by having a wider audience.

3.1.2. developing cultural awareness and increasing targeted content knowledge

3.1.3. stimulated motivation for writing and encouraged children to attempt to understand cultural differences

4. Concept Mapping

4.1. Electronic concept maps

4.1.1. ease of revision

4.1.2. new ideas can be inserted

4.1.3. ease of organization

5. Automated Essay Scoring Systems

5.1. evaluate the quality and content of written essays.

5.1.1. large-scale writing assessment

5.1.2. latent semantic analysis

5.1.3. automated feedback

5.1.4. monitoring writing progress