Assessment, Evaluation, & Reporting in Ontario Schools

Assessment, Evaluation,

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Assessment, Evaluation, & Reporting in Ontario Schools by Mind Map: Assessment, Evaluation, & Reporting in Ontario Schools

1. 7 fundamental principles

1.1. Fair, transparent, and equitable

1.2. Support all students

1.2.1. Include: special education needs, language learning; First Nation, Métis, or Inuit

1.3. Relate to curriculum expectations and learning goals

1.3.1. Match: interests, learning styles preferences, and needs

1.4. Clearly understandable by students and parents - throughout the school year or course

1.5. Administered to provide a variety of opportunities for students to demonstrate the range of their learning

1.6. Clear, specific, meaningful feedback and timely to support improved learning and achievement

1.7. Develops student self-assessment skills to enable autonomous learning; where students can set specific goals, and plan their learning

2. Ontario Curriculum Policy: Grades 1 to 12

2.1. Assessments and evaluations are based on content and performance standards

3. Knowledge and skills categories:

3.1. Evaluating Knowledge and Understanding by: grade/course/specific (knowledge), comprehension (understanding)

3.2. 1. Thinking: critical creative thinking skills and/or processes

3.3. 2. Communication: conveying meaning through various forms

3.4. 3. Application: skillfully using knowledge to make connections of various contexts

4. Assessment Framework: 3 key processes

4.1. Establish where the learners are going in their learning

4.2. Establish where they are in their learning

4.3. Establish what needs to be done in their learning

5. Inclusive education & societies

5.1. High-quality education enhances inclusive societies

6. Essential steps in assessment for and as learning, teachers need to:

6.1. Plan assessments to be integrated within instruction

6.2. Start by conveying learning goals and success criteria with students to ensure understanding of success criteria

6.3. Collect data about student learning continuously during instruction, using a variety of strategies and tools

6.4. Use assessment to inform instruction, guide next steps, and help students monitor their progress towards achieving their learning goals

6.5. Analyze and interpret evidence of learning

6.6. Assist students to develop skills of peer and self-assessment

7. The achievement chart:

7.1. Provides the framework for curriculum expectations (all subjects/grades)

7.2. Guides high-quality assessment tasks and tools (including rubrics)

7.3. Assists in planning instruction for learning

7.4. Is the basis for consistent and meaningful feedback

7.5. Establishes categories and criteria to assess and evaluate learning

8. ACHIEVEMENT CHART: grade 9 to grade 12 categories

8.1. 50–59% (Level 1)

8.2. 60–69% (Level 2)

8.3. 70–79% (Level 3)

8.4. 80–100% (Level 4)

9. Primary purpose: to improve student learning

10. Success dependent on

10.1. Creative differentiation of fair instruction

10.2. Assessment meeting the needs of all students

10.3. Effective leadership from school systems to coordinate and support the work of teachers

11. Source: "GROWING SUCCESS assessment, evaluation, and reporting in Ontario schools" First Edition, covering grades 1-12 (2010) - Ontario Ministry of Education

12. Guiding philosophy

12.1. "All students can demonstrate their learning regardless of their socio-economic status, ethnicity, gender, geographic location, learning style, and/or need for special services"

13. 5 strategies that teachers and students use collaboratively to support student learning:

13.1. Use specific and timely descriptive feedback

13.2. Identify and clarify learning goals and success criteria

13.3. Use effective classroom discussions and other learning tasks that elicit information about student learning

13.4. Provide feedback that helps learners move forward

13.5. Use targeted instruction and guidance, to engage students

13.6. Help students to understand what it means to “own” their own learning, and empower them to do so

14. Examples: Potential Assessment Accommodation Requirements

14.1. Extended time limits

14.2. Verbatim scribing

14.3. Oral responses

14.4. Alternative settings

14.5. More frequent brakes

14.6. Assistive technology

14.7. Large font size

14.8. Colour cues

14.9. Task reduction

15. Formative Assessment "for" learning

15.1. Occurs during a learning activity

15.2. Monitors student learning

15.3. Provides students with feedback

15.4. Occurs several times during a course unit

15.5. Usually provides students with a wide range of question formats

15.6. Purpose: to improve learning and achievement

16. Summative Assessment "of" learning

16.1. Occurs at the end of a learning activity

16.2. Evaluates student learning

16.3. Scores results

16.4. Occurs a few times during the course or academic year

16.5. Usually constrained to a limited selection of question formats

16.6. Purpose: to measure or audit learning attainment

17. Examples: Diagnostic & Formative Assessments - "for" & "as" learning

17.1. Class discussions

17.2. Checklists

17.3. Questionannaires

17.4. Journals/Progress notes

17.5. Peer/Self-evaluations

17.6. Observations

17.7. Interviews

18. Examples: Summative Assessment "of" learning

18.1. Written tests

18.2. Creative assignments

18.3. Presentations

18.4. Portfolios

18.5. Written reports

18.6. Projects/products

18.7. Examinations

18.8. Peer/Self-evaluation

19. Diagnostic Assessment "for" learning

19.1. Occurs before instruction begins so teachers can determine students' readiness to learn new knowledge and skills

19.2. Teachers obtain information about students interests and learning preferences

19.3. Used to determine what students already know to help teachers plan instruction and assessment in a differentiated and personalized way

19.4. Purpose: to understand if planned learning goals are appropriate

20. Formative Assessment "as" learning

20.1. Students foster their own capacity to assess themselves - providing and receiving feedback to and from other students

20.2. Occurs frequently with support and guidance from the teacher

20.3. Purpose: develops autonomy and independence in learning

21. Choose Appropriate Assessment Tools to Match Strategy