Carlise Indian Industrial Boarding School

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Carlise Indian Industrial Boarding School by Mind Map: Carlise Indian Industrial Boarding School

1. Forced Natives to cut their hair, to use new Anglo-American names

1.1. Taught them that it was wrong to speak their native language, to practice their religion and culture.

1.1.1. After school it was complicated to relate to their families

2. Destroyed families and the community

2.1. "Throught breaking bonds to culture, they (broke) bonds to one another" , " It's a way of destroying a community" said Doug Kiel, a history professor

2.1.1. Boarding School has cemeteries with more than 200 children buried of deadly infections like tuberculosis and the flu

3. Students who did survive were traumatised

3.1. As Kiel said, CIIBS experience helps explain why many indigenous languages are now endangered or even dead

3.1.1. Native languages became a trauma for them as said Kiel's Grandmother : "Why ? because it was a source of trauma for them. And they had been told that it was backwards, that it was uncivilized, that it was of the past, that there was no utility un speaking it"

4. Built in 1879 by U.S cavalry Captain Richard Henry Pratt in Pennsylvania

4.1. It was built to saparated Native American children from their parents

4.1.1. Pratt said "Kill the Indian in him, and save the man"

5. This school, based on method of forced, became a model for nearly 150 such schools

5.1. Bureau of Affairs' 1902 "Haircut Order" specifying that man with long hair couldn't receive rations

5.1.1. This method was made to make Native people more like the white Anglo-American