Crowdsourcing in NMCAs

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Crowdsourcing in NMCAs by Mind Map: Crowdsourcing in NMCAs

1. Things to try

1.1. Legal issues: comparing licences & exploring licence interactions

1.2. NMCAs applying their quality assessment & processes to crowd sourced examples

1.3. Crowd activity as change intelligence?

1.4. Token / rewards to stimulate completeness

1.5. Quality tests: motivated crowds vs specialist groups

1.5.1. Cross-over experience

1.6. Expose existing NMCA users to other crowd sourced mapping to explore pros and cons

1.7. NMCA + OSM/crowdsourced conflation: what's best of both worlds?

1.8. Explore working with supercontributors

1.9. Open standards - OGC GeoSynchronisation Service, Geodata Bulk Transfer and Open GeoSMS

2. NMCA interests & requirements

2.1. Monitoring crowd activity to target NMCA activity

2.2. "Good enough" overtaking super quality

2.3. Accuracy, quality

2.3.1. Validation stream? Bug map?

2.3.2. Validation workflow

2.4. Remote areas

2.4.1. Expensive

2.4.2. Difficult to access

2.5. Richer / more complete attribution

2.6. Financial pressures as motivation

2.7. Vernacular

2.8. Change intell.

2.9. Crowd as validators

2.10. Remuneration

2.10.1. Social opportunities

2.10.2. Service improvement

2.10.3. Stakeholder status

2.11. Completeness

2.12. Means of motivation?

2.12.1. Maintaining a crowd Directing them vs self-sustaining & self-purposing

2.13. Perceived value of mapping by new generations

2.14. Interesting futures

2.14.1. Indoor mapping

2.14.2. UAVs

2.15. Can't be complete authority?

2.15.1. Use expert communities (e.g. to provide thematic)

2.16. Control & validation of crowd

2.16.1. Low cost / low reward

2.16.2. High cost / high rewards

2.17. Harnessing supercontributors

2.18. Government policy

2.18.1. Legal mandates and directives

2.18.2. Open Government: open data and standards

2.19. Interoperability

2.19.1. Open standards OGC, W3C

3. Crowdsourcing

3.1. Norwegian house area example

3.2. Success factors

3.2.1. Local knowledge

3.2.2. Many eyes

3.3. Motivation

3.3.1. Financial?

3.3.2. "Hobby"

3.3.3. Civic ownership

3.3.4. Service improvement

3.3.5. Produsage

3.3.6. Civic pride

3.3.7. Vested interests

3.3.8. Frustration(s)

3.3.9. Humanitarian

3.3.10. Community

3.4. Crowd types

3.4.1. Public

3.4.2. Employees

3.4.3. Contracted

3.4.4. Knowledgable

3.5. Passive, active, dual purpose

3.6. ESRI Community Topographic Basemap

3.6.1. Filling in where authoritative not available