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1. priority was to provide for the common welfare. Jane Adams argued that real democracy must operate from a sense of social morality that would foster something the greater/good of all rather than protect those with wealth power

2. New York charity organization society is founded

2.1. In 1876 she became the first woman appointed a commissioner of the New York Charities Commission helped out everyone who were in need in the gilded age

3. Jacob Riss publishes how the other halves live

3.1. Focused on poverty in the gilded age

3.2. Exposed poor living conditions in New York life of slums

3.3. Unsanitary living conditions for immigrants in New York

4. National labour union created

4.1. Congress to pass a law limiting the workday to eight hour

4.2. bring together disparate labor unions to work for common goals important to all working men and women

4.3. Covered other organizations like Knights of labor and American federation of labor

5. Dispensaries

5.1. Afford Medical treatments for patients

5.2. Help out the public who didn’t have enough money to buy their treatments

5.3. Helped out the progressive reforms

6. Department of labor added to the cabinet

6.1. responsible for occupational safety, wage and hour standards, an unemployment insurance

7. Clayton antitrust act

7.1. defines unethical business practices, such as price fixing and monopolies, and upholds various rights of labor

7.2. Fair competition just like the federal commission trade with other business

7.3. law passed during the era of the Progressive Movement to protect trade and commerce

7.4. gave unions the right to exist and affirmed the right of workers to go on strike.

8. Department of health add to cabinet

8.1. A new led of progressive reform for progressive era secured everyone’s safety

8.2. Protecting all the health of individuals of diseases and prevention

9. Jacob Riis publishes children of the poor

9.1. Exposed poor living conditions

9.2. Jacob riis was a muckraking journalist

9.3. Talks about corruption of government and slum as a child and related to the jungle

10. Upton Sinclair Publish the jungle

10.1. Exposed all unsanitary drugs and food, lead to the pure food and drug act inspired by the muckrakers

10.2. Many people in society were reading his books about unsanitary foods

10.3. Considers himself as a journalist just like all the muckrakers

11. Pendleton Civil service Act

11.1. made it illegal to fire or demote these government officials for political reasons

11.2. Government Employees should be selected through competitive exams

12. workers finish construction on theTranscontinental railroad

12.1. Majority Chinese immigrants finish the 1st transcontinental railroad

12.2. It impacted soo much in the gilded age huge transportation for everyone

12.3. A new invention for the era for railroads

13. Pure food and drug act

13.1. centerpiece of progressive reforms in the early 20th century.

13.2. banned manufacturers from selling mislabeled products, from adulterating food with unacceptable ingredients, and from misleading consumers with false claims.

13.3. The muckrakers had successfully heightened public awareness of safety issues

14. Sheppard towner act

14.1. Provided child care and federal funding for women who have new borne or maternity’s

14.2. Influences the children’s bureau and women’s health

14.3. Many women’s advocated this act and pushed progressive reform to congress

15. Webb alíen land law passed in California

15.1. prohibited "aliens ineligible for citizenship" from owning agricultural land or possessing long-term leases over it, but permitted leases lasting up to three years.

15.2. It impacted the Chinese Exclusion Act it effected many Chinese who were living in California

15.3. It was mostly Koreans, Indians, Japanese, and other ethnicities that were living in California

16. American medical association

16.1. “to promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of public health.”

16.2. Drug companies were required to show proof of the effectiveness of their drugs to advertise them in AMA's journal

16.3. Helped secured the life of citizens and helped discovered new ideas,medication for everyone and lead to progressive era

17. Pullman strike

17.1. Wide spread of railroad strike

17.2. It effected gilded age

17.3. It effected the Pullman company

18. Yellow journalism

18.1. A style of bit present exaggeration pushing forward that help the United States And Spain into war with cuba and the Philippines and leading U.S Territory

18.2. Leaded a new time of era in the United States and it help the industry’s

19. 17th amendment

19.1. gives voters the power to directly elect their senators. It also states that the U.S. Senate includes two senators from each state, and that each senator has one vote in the Senate.

20. Social Darwinism

20.1. “All societies advanced through 4 stages( from hunter gathering to commercial society as they progress from rudeness to reinforcement”

20.2. “Competition between human beings for the scarce resources required for subsistence”

20.3. “Spencer’s ideas about selection also were born from his political beliefs: he repudiated government interference with the “natural”, unimpeded growth of society”

21. Knights of labor

21.1. secret organization meant to protect its members from employer retaliations.

21.2. producing groups such as shopkeepers and farmers as well as laborers it proposed a system of worker cooperatives to replace capitalism.

21.3. The union united skilled and unskilled laborers in the countryside and cities in one group

21.3.1. Allowed blank women to be involved not like the labor union

21.4. Survived the gilded also

22. Great Railroad Strike of 1877

22.1. violent rail strikes across the United States in 1877.

22.2. The strikes were precipitated by wage cuts announced by the Baltimore and Ohio (B&O) Railroad

22.3. The men, many of them from Canton in southern China, had demands: They wanted pay equal to whites, shorter workdays, and better conditions for building the country’s first transcontinental railroad.

22.4. Laborers helped out to build out railroads but had hard working hours and low wages

23. 19th amendment

23.1. Impacted the progressive era

23.1.1. Helped out temperance movements with women

23.2. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied

23.3. Alva Vanderbilt helium made the 19th amendment

23.4. Led great voices to everyone

23.5. EST. The 17th amendment too

24. Women’s bureau

24.1. shall promote the welfare of wage-earning women, improve their working conditions, increase their efficiency, and advance their opportunities for profitable employment.

25. Children’s bureau

25.1. Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families.

25.2. Help eliminate poverty and poor living conditions for children

25.3. advocating for playgrounds, establishing visiting nurse systems, promoting the registration of births, and opposing child labor.

26. Wets

26.1. People who supported use of alcohol

26.2. the Wets wanted the 18th Amendment repeal

26.2.1. Have house parties

26.3. Obtain alcohol illegally

26.4. Against prohibition

27. Alva Vanderbilt

27.1. was a champion of woman suffrage and equal rights for women. She provided financial support and amazing leadership for the campaign to ratify the Nineteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

28. Women suffrage

28.1. struggle for the right of women to vote and run for office and is part of the overall women’s rights movement

28.2. Jane Adams was one of the leaders of women’s suffrage

28.2.1. H

29. Mary hunt

29.1. Help to develop and legislate the Eighteenth Amendment which put Prohibition into effect in the United States.

30. Drys

30.1. Prohibition benefited Americans

30.1.1. Groups who supported for ban of alcohols like religious groups

31. Populist party

31.1. -

31.2. fights to close the gap between the wealthy and poor and champion the needy and disenfranchised.

31.3. Populist party concentration on agrarian issues did not easily resonate with the expanding urban population

31.4. Supported income tax based on earnings to support government rather than the tariffs than charge to farmers

31.4.1. Demanded shorter work days, government loans, secret valid voting, election valid reforms

32. Hay Market Riot

32.1. Labor protesters rally near Chicago’s Haymarket Square turned into a riot after someone threw a bomb at police.

32.2. eight people died as a result of the violence that day. 8 radical labor activists were convicted in connection with the bombing.

33. Homestead Act

33.1. -

33.1.1. Abraham Lincoln was the one who signed the law to be passed

33.2. Native Americans were forced from their lands and onto reservations to make way for homesteaders.

33.3. homesteaders paid a filing fee of $18—$10 to make a temporary claim on the land, $2 for commission to the land agent and an additional $6 final payment to receive an official patent on the land.

33.4. accelerated settlement of U.S. western territory by allowing any American, including freed slaves, to put in a claim for up to 160 free acres of federal land.

34. millions of immigrants&farmers poured out into cities such as New York,Boston,St. Louis looking for work and urbanization

35. inventions

35.1. telegraphs were important inventions and made it easier for people to communicate

35.2. Telephones made faster communication than the telegraph

36. Labor unions

36.1. generally supported any candidate who would fight for shorter workdays, higher wages, and better working conditions.

36.2. Poor people supported

36.2.1. Many men and women joined to the man better wages and safe working conditions They constructed the Panama Canal

37. the progressive era

37.1. Period of widespread social activism and political reform. The main objective of the progressive movement was eliminating corruption in government

37.1.1. Social progressive Female social justice progressive helped write national anti-child labor legislation, minimum wage because this shows how women helped stop Child labor

37.1.2. Political progressive Political progressive were mostly men wanted good government establish city councils and Solving urban problems

37.1.3. Economic progressive Economic progressivism is based on the idea that capitalist markets are inherently unfair, favoring large corporations and the wealthy.

37.2. Progressivism is supporting social reform

37.2.1. Measure of social justice for all people, to eliminate political corruption, and to rebalance the relationship among business,labor and consumer by introducing economic regulations

38. Muckrakers

38.1. problems of the time, including poor industrial working conditions,poor urban living conditions and unscrupulous business practices

38.2. Upton Sinclair is one of the leaders of this movement. He was a writer and a political writer

38.3. Were journalists who exposed unsanitary conditions that will lead serious of acts

38.4. Exploited child labor

39. Hull House opens

39.1. one of the first social settlement in Chicago in 1889 when Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr rented an Abandoned residence at 800 south Halsted st. that had been built by Charles G. Hull in 1856

39.2. Its initial programs included providing recreational facilities for slum children, fighting for child labor laws, and helping immigrants become U.S. citizens.

39.3. Help solve neighborhood problems and help immigrant learn English

39.4. New Topic

40. Meat Inspection Act

40.1. prohibited the sale misbranded live stocks

40.2. Established sanitary standards for slaughterhouses and meat processing plants

41. The Social Gospel movement

41.1. They wanted to abolish child labor

41.2. Many labor unions began joining the social gospel movement

41.3. Many Protestants progressives

41.4. Applied to Christians solved social problems get rid of prohibition, racism, crime and more

42. Federal Commission trade's

42.1. The principle mission is the promotion of consumer protection and the elimination and prevention of controlling business

42.2. Eliminates coercive monopoly

43. Railroads

43.1. Railroads helped farmers by shipping crops to new markets but hurt farmers by charging high shipping rates

43.1.1. Andrew Carnegie worked for the Pennsylvania railroads to and left the Pennsylvania railroads to pursue his virtues

43.2. Transport steel,oils place to place and led transportation easy for people

44. Industrialization

44.1. J.P Morgan

44.1.1. powerful man incorporated with the industry of railroads

45. Urbanization

45.1. The nation biggest draw was New York, where the population had nearly double in a single generation

45.2. Women secured nursing municipal public health they were responsible for their cities implemented new clean water systems

46. worked long hours in dangerous factory conditions for very little money.

46.1. Constructed the Panama Canal

47. Many possibilities and hope for Americans, the richest families in the U.S less than 1% scooped up the most of the treasure, and the rich gain everything

48. “Preventatives V. Palliatives medicine (“public Heath private health

48.1. Palliatives are patients that we’re dealing with life threatening diseases

48.2. Preventatives were medical doctors trying to prevent threatening diseases like AIDS,Cancer an other ones

49. George Westing house experiments with altering currents

49.1. George Westinghouse was an American inventor who discovered Electric alternative currents for the kitchen or any electrical stuff

50. Physical exam 1st time to all immigrants

50.1. The first physical exam to make sure that they are healthy with sanitary conditions

51. Edward Mellanby discovers vitamin D and shows that its absence causes rickets

51.1. Edward Mellanby used the experimental method to investigate medical problems

51.2. he provided evidence that rickets is a dietary deficiency disease due to lack of a fat-soluble vitamin [D

52. First successful human blood transfer

52.1. Karl Landsteiner, an Austrian physician, discovers the first three human blood groups, A, B, and C. Blood type C was later changed to O

53. Karl Landsteiner describes blood compatibility and rejection

53.1. Discovered ABO system of blood typing that has made blood transfusion a routine medical practice.

53.2. Saved a million of people with the blood compatibility

54. Sherman Anti-Trust-Act

54.1. authorized federal action against any combination in the form of trusts or otherwise, or conspiracy, in restraint of trade.

55. Bessemer process is patented

55.1. Inexpensive process for the mass production of steal created by Henry Bessemer

55.2. Andrew Carnegie used the Bessemer process for his steel production

55.3. The steel was an important resource in production of railroads and steel mills

55.4. Bessemer process helped made billions of dollars that helped the economy in the gilded age

56. Lochner V. NY (1905)

56.1. Lochner was accused having a baker who worked more than 60 hours a week and violated the14th amendment

57. Muller V. Oregon (1908)

57.1. Oregon enacted a law that limited women to ten hours of work in factories and laundries. The owner of a laundry business, Curt Muller, was fined $10 when he violated the law. Muller appealed the conviction.

58. National consumers league org. I

58.1. fight for the welfare of consumers and workers who had little voice or power in the marketplace and workplace. Many of the NCL’s goals, such as the establishment of a minimum wage and the limitation of working hours,

59. Immigration restriction act of 1921

59.1. implemented a literacy test that required immigrants over 16 years old to demonstrate basic reading comprehension in any language.

59.2. increased the tax paid by new immigrants upon

60. Standard oil trust form

60.1. The Standard Oil Trust was formed in 1863 by John D. Rockefeller. He built up the company through 1868 to become the largest oil refinery firm i

60.2. The company faced legal issues in 1890 following passage of the Sherman Antitrust Act.

61. Trust/monopolies

61.1. Trusts are the organization of several businesses in the same industry and by joining forces, the trust controls production and distribution of a product or service, thereby limiting competition.

61.2. Monopolies are businesses that have total control over a sector of the economy, including prices.

61.3. Rockefeller formed the first trust in 1882 with the establishment of the Standard Oil Company. Rockefeller knew America depended on oil for its daily existence.

61.3.1. Many monopolist began gaining trusts from congress to form a better society like Rockefeller and other robber barons

62. Rough riders were a group of people that build that Panama Canal with Teddy Roosevelt

63. laissez le faire

63.1. policy of minimum governmental interference in the economic affairs of individuals and society.

64. Gospel of wealth

64.1. “ the main consideration should be to help those who will help themselves

64.2. “Neither the individual not the race is improved by almsgiving”

64.3. “ while animated by Christ’s Spirit, by recognizing the changed conditions of this age”

64.4. “Can rise—parks, and means to recreation, by which men are helped on body and mind “

65. American Federation Of labor

65.1. grew in power, coordinating efforts for several dozen independent labor unions.

65.2. It survived in the gilded age was successful

65.3. Samuel Gompers founded the union in 1886,

65.4. seeking better wages, working conditions, shorter working days, and the creation of all-union workplaces for its members

65.5. Won over knights of Labor

66. Howard Hyde Russell

66.1. Superintendent of the league

66.2. Saw the Anti-Saloon League as a movement uniting the churches of America. His explanation of the methods of the Ohio Anti-Saloon League was part of a larger effort to spread the League into other states.

67. Prohibition

67.1. The prohibition act was commenced to solve social problems, reduce crime and corruption

67.2. Led the making of illegal bars& activities

68. Child labor

68.1. useful as laborers because their size allowed them to move in small spaces in factories or mines where adults couldn’t fit

69. Francis Willard

69.1. implemented the use of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) as a political organizing force

69.2. advocate for women’s empowerment, but to provide women with the skills they would need

70. 18th amendment

70.1. The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, prohibiting the “manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes,” is ratified by Congress on

71. Carrie N. White

71.1. guarantees all American women the right to vote.

72. 16th amendment

72.1. allowed government the banning alcohol without reducing tax revenue. The 16th Amendment allowing Congress to levy a federal income tax, helped pave the way for Prohibition

72.2. Enacted a 2% tax on alcohol and income

72.3. New Topic

73. WCTU

73.1. The WCTU was a religious organization whose primary purpose was to combat the influence of alcohol on families and society. It was influential in the temperance movement, and supported the 18th Amendment.

73.2. The president of the WCTU is Annie Wittenmyer

73.3. Fran Willard head of the WCTU

74. The temperance Movement

74.1. limit or outlaw the consumption and production of alcoholic beverages in the United States.

74.2. These people feared that God would no longer bless the United States and that these people posed a threat to America's political system

74.3. Mostly women were involved with this movement

74.4. Temperance Society campaigned relentlessly against what they viewed as a nationwide scourge of drunkenness.

75. Anti-saloon league

75.1. This organization's members believed that American society was in moral decline. people moved from rural areas to urbanize and losing touch with their religious values.

75.2. Wayne wheeler leader was the main leader of the anti saloon league controlled congressmen’s and other people

75.2.1. developed many tactics in pressure politics. In fact many authorities call pressure politics “Wheelerism.”

75.3. Earnest Cherrington was one of the leaders of this movement his main focus is on Anti-Alcohol

76. The Chinese Exclusion Actl

76.1. First significant law restricting immigration To the United States

76.2. d. In May 1852, California imposed a Foreign Miners Tax of $3 month meant to target Chinese miners, and crime and violence escalated

76.3. gold was discovered in the Sacramento Valley of California in 1848, a large uptick in Chinese immigrants entered the United States to join the California Gold Rush.

77. Northern Europe

77.1. -

77.2. Most had some experience with representative democracy. With the exception of the Irish, most were PROTESTANT. Many were literate, and some possessed a fair degree of wealth.

78. Federal government revenue

78.1. About 30 to 40% of the government’s revenue came from alcohol taxes.

78.2. alcoholic beverages would abolish a major source of government revenue.

79. Robber barons

79.1. Railroad tycoons were just one of many types of so-called robber barons that emerged in the Gilded Age.

79.2. Rock Fellers he established Standard Oil, which by the early 1880s controlled some 90 percent of U.S. refineries and pipelines.

79.3. Vanderbilt initially made his money in the steamships business before investing in railroads. building steamships and operating ferry lines around the New York region

79.4. Andrew Carnegie created a steel empire, his furnace machines produce more than 60 tons of steel.

79.4.1. Wrote a book Gospel of wealth Believed in Herbert Spencer ideas English writer, saying is nothing bad getting at the top

79.4.2. His parents we’re from Scotland and Andrew Carnegie left Scotland at age 12 with his parents too seek new opportunities At age 13 he stoped boilers in a textile factory 12 hours a day, the gave him nightmare g

79.4.3. Andrew believed in the new world he would heal the wounds of his father defeat. Moved to New York beginning of gilded age marked by the fortunes, he believed the pursuit of wealth degrading

79.4.4. Their family was poor, his father lost his Job, his mother Margaret mend shoes to keep the family together 1849 Andrew enter the world of telegraphs as a messenger boy in a telegraph office, memorized important people in the business

80. immigration

81. Gilded age