Personal Finances E-Course

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Personal Finances E-Course by Mind Map: Personal Finances E-Course

1. Procedural Analysis

1.1. Budget

1.1.1. 1.Open Excel

1.1.2. 2. Construct the "Budget Table"

1.1.3. 3. Start recording your expenses in your smartphone

1.1.4. 4. Each week, move your expenses from your phone to your Excel

1.1.5. 5. At the end of the month, classify your expenses

1.1.6. 6. Use the "sum" formula to calculate the total of both expenses and income

1.1.7. 7. Calculate your savings

1.2. Bank Investment

1.2.1. 1. Go to a bank where you are holding an account

1.2.2. 2. Find an assessor

1.2.3. 3. Ask for the CDT

2. Attitudes

2.1. Students will have a positive attitude towards saving and investing

3. Concepts

3.1. Money

3.1.1. It is a medium for exchange

3.1.2. Unity of value

3.1.3. Deposit of value

3.2. Inflation

3.2.1. It is the continuous increment of the level of prices

3.2.2. It diminishes the acquisitive capacity of money

3.3. Return

3.3.1. It is the monetary return for money holding

3.3.2. It is a %

3.3.3. The ideal % is between 5 and 10 %

3.4. Future Value

3.4.1. it is the value of money in time

3.4.2. FV = present value + returns - inflation

3.5. Present value

3.5.1. Value of money today

3.6. Investment

3.6.1. Using economical resources to obtain a determined return

3.6.2. Investment can be done through banks

3.7. Nominal rate

3.7.1. Rate offered by the bank in a determined financial product

3.8. Effective rate

3.8.1. Nominal rated affected by inflation through time

3.9. Budget

3.9.1. Financial record used to organize and analyze personal finances

3.9.2. Income: the amount of money received in a period of time

3.9.3. Expenses: the amount of money expended in a period of time Fixed costs "Pocket money" Unexpected expenses

3.10. Savings

3.10.1. A reserve of money

3.10.2. Income - Outcome= Savings/Debts

3.11. Debt

3.11.1. Owing money to someone

3.12. No Financial Goal

3.12.1. Goal that is achieved with money but is not measured in money quantity

4. Principles

4.1. Investment is available when money is saved by reducing the expenses.

4.2. Savings are feasible when expenses are reduced through a budget analysis.