Creative Economy of North Adams

Mind map of the Creative Economy of North Adams

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Creative Economy of North Adams by Mind Map: Creative Economy of North Adams

1. Creative Sector

1.1. Entreprenuers

1.2. Gig workers

1.3. Self employment

2. Jobs

2.1. Kinds of Jobs

2.1.1. Direct

2.1.2. Indirect

2.1.3. Part time

2.1.4. Full time

2.1.5. Volunteers

2.2. Different industries

2.2.1. Film

2.2.2. Art

2.2.3. Construction

2.2.4. Landscaping

2.2.5. Woodworking

3. Losses

3.1. The Transcript

3.2. North Adams Hospital

3.3. Vacancies on Main Street

4. Problems

4.1. Art is viewed as upper class activity

4.2. People Problems

4.2.1. Need influx of young people

4.2.2. Hard to connect older and younger generation

4.2.3. Declining population

4.2.4. Hard to find Volunteers

4.2.5. Getting Students to stay after MCLA

4.2.6. Trying not to become Gentrified

4.3. Money Problems

4.3.1. High tax on land

4.3.2. Government Funding is hard to get

4.3.3. 1 Representative for the County in Gov't

4.4. Making people aware of North Adams

4.4.1. 3 1/2 hours from New York, 2 1/2 hours from Boston

4.5. Lack of diversity

4.6. Lack of different activities

5. Livability

5.1. Gentrification

5.1.1. Age Divide

5.2. Sustainability

5.2.1. Jack's Hotdogs

5.3. Diversity of activities

6. Community

6.1. Different kinds of people

6.1.1. Race

6.1.2. Age

6.1.3. Gender

6.1.4. Different Interests

6.2. Activities

6.2.1. Art Visiting MoCA Porches

6.2.2. Performing Arts Jacobs Pillow Tanglewood Berkshire Theater Group Barrington Stage

6.2.3. Historic Cites The Mount Chesterwood Susan B Anthony

6.3. Community: A group of people involved in each other's lives in the same area whose culture is fluid

7. Supporting Agencies

7.1. Chamber of Commerce

7.2. Unions

7.3. Education

7.3.1. MCLA Berkshire Community College

7.4. Northern Berkshire Community Coalition

7.5. Non profits

8. Opportunities

8.1. Lots of land for purchase

8.2. Free to attend events hosted

8.3. Community comes together for events like Fall Folliage

8.4. Expanding on arts community

8.4.1. Changing buildings into studios