Sister splashed water on me

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Sister splashed water on me by Mind Map: Sister splashed water on me

1. Development

1.1. Who splashed water on my face

1.2. I went over the place finding the culprit and realised that the culprit was my sister

1.3. My sister ran to the living room and pretended to study.

2. Climax

2.1. When I was trying to make my sister own up on what she done

3. Why was I sleeping

3.1. The night before I stayed up late to watch my favourite show. The next I was very tired after school so I went to take a nap

4. Why did my sister splashed water on my face

4.1. She wanted to play a prank on me

5. Resolution

5.1. I questioned her like a police officer and finally she owned up.

6. Conclusion

6.1. My sister felt guilty and owned up