Broadening of the Definition of the Term Technology

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Broadening of the Definition of the Term Technology by Mind Map: Broadening of the Definition of the Term Technology

1. 1.1 Define technology

1.1. Activity: Student will provide their definition of Technology

1.1.1. Tool: Student will write short answer and compare with another student to create a ven diagram showing similarities and differences.

2. 1.4 Identify the purpose for technology

2.1. Activity: Students will choose a technology that they use regularly and will research the development of inventions and innovations that play a role in the evolution of the technology

2.2. Assessment Tool: Timeline Web Tool

3. 1.2 Develop an understanding of the characteristics and scope of technology.

3.1. Activity: Student will place a list of items into two categories; Technology or Not Technology

3.2. Assessment Tool: Categorizing Chart

4. 1.3 Distinguish between the natural world and the technological world

4.1. Activity: Students will be given several well known and highly used technologies and will discuss the purpose of their invention focusing on the problems these technologies solved

4.2. Assessment Tool: Discussion Board with Discussion Rubric Scale