No two are the same

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No two are the same by Mind Map: No two are the same

1. Sector

1.1. Retail

1.2. Finance

1.3. Public sector

2. Philosophy of learning

2.1. Why

2.2. What

2.3. Who

2.4. When

2.5. Where

2.6. How

3. Analytical tools

3.1. SWOT


4. Types of Organsiations

4.1. Ownership

4.2. Reach

4.3. Evolution

4.4. Age

4.5. Client focus

4.6. Production

4.7. Delivery channel

5. Structure of Organisations

5.1. Simple

5.2. Professional Bureaucracy

5.3. Machine Bureaucracy

5.4. Divisional form

5.5. Adhocracy