Youth Resource Centre

A map to assist youth workers and young people find resources and direction for services in York Region

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Youth Resource Centre by Mind Map: Youth Resource Centre

1. Newmarket Connections Community Information & Volunteer Centre - explore the possibilities.

2. Education

2.1. Bill Crothers Secondary School

2.2. YRDSB: Research & Assessment Services: Field Research - School - community engagement; youth homelessness; assets mapping

2.3. The Learning Centre For Georgina - Academic Upgrading - Grade Booster - GED prep

3. Clothing

4. Volunteer

4.1. Canadian Red Cross/York;RespectEd - Violence & Abuse Prevention / International/Youth - Humanitarian Issues Program, Youth Action Groups

4.1.1. Canadian Red Cross/York - RespectED- Violence & Abuse Prevention; International/Youth - Humanitarian Issues Program, Youth Action Groups

4.2. Jericho Youth Services

5. Employment

5.1. Sutton Employment Resource Centre 905-722-1480

5.2. yorkyouth: Employment Services for youth age 15 to 30. One-on-one job search assistance and access to community Employment programs and services 1-866-992-9930

5.3. Seneca College Employment Services

5.4. Discover: Career Exploration for youth age 15 to 30 1-866-992-9930

5.5. Directions: A program to assist clients to access community employment programs through appropriate referrals 1-866-992-9930

5.6. Community Legal Clinic of York Region provides advice, representation or referrals for youth who experience employment issues (i.e. non-payment of wages, termination, discrimination, employment insurance, and workplace safety and insurance).

6. Emergency

6.1. York Support Services Network - 310-COPE

7. To add your agency choose category, then enter Agency or program(s). For your web site URL - click arrow in extras on right formating panel. Let's watch our map grow!

8. Community Legal Clinic of York Region Providing free legal advice to tenants on their rental rights.

9. Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation (CPRF)

9.1. New node

10. Housing

10.1. Loft/Crosslinks Housing & Support Services: Provides housing support to people with serious mental illness

10.2. Inn From the Cold: Winter Emergency Shelter (Dec. to the end of March) based in Newmarket, serving York Region.

11. Food

11.1. LOFT/Crosslinks Street Outreach : Provides support to homeless & at risk individuals.

11.2. York Region Food Network : Food Bank Support, community gardens, community kitchens, gleaning, backpack program, advocacy.

12. Government Supports

12.1. Regional Municipality of York; Play 2 Recreation & Sport Program; region wide program for youth 4-18; low income

12.2. York Regional Police

13. Networks

13.1. York Region Alliance to End Homelessness

13.2. Gay York;

14. Health

14.1. Addiction Services for York Region: Community Withdrawal Management Program, Adult Out-Patient, Youth Out-Patient, Gambling Program, Outreach Program, Umbrellas Program, Concurrent Disorder Program, Court Diversion Program, Back On Track, Alternative to Long Term Suspension, YouthSpeak.

14.2. TAMI (Talking about Mental Illness) Coalition

14.3. Vaughan Community Health Centre

14.4. Canadian Mental Health Association - York Region and South Simcoe County

14.5. York Support Services Network

15. Settlement/Newcomer

15.1. Youth Assisting Youth: Provides youth mentoring services for at-risk youth, 6-15, who are experiencing social, emotional, behavioural or cultural adjustment problems.

15.2. Community Legal Clinic of York Region: Providing free legal assistance/advice to newcomer youth in a variety of poverty law related areas, including housing, social assistance, immigration, etc.

16. Recreation/Support