What does inquiry in SS look like?
by Camille Austria
1. Good teachers get their students to create and participate in their learning
2. Globally Minded
3. Students are engaged
4. Rooted in the real world
4.1. Technology
5. Bringing in topics that have enough space for students to explore
6. Asking "why?" instead of just giving activities, give students a driving question
7. Analyzing and unpacking the information
8. Critical thinking Consortium
9. Base the students thinking beyond dates, establish historical significance
10. Historical perspectives and comparing to what they understand in our community now
11. Dangerous teaching and unasked questions. Social studies should get students to critique society
12. Galileo Inquiry rubric
12.1. Authenticity
12.2. academic rigor
12.3. Assessment
12.4. Life skills
12.4.1. New node
12.5. Appropriate used of technology
12.6. Active exploration
12.7. Connecting with experts
12.7.1. New node