What Does Inquiry in SS Look Like?

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What Does Inquiry in SS Look Like? by Mind Map: What Does Inquiry in SS Look Like?

1. Focus on learning rather than teaching

2. Rigour

2.1. Being in the company of passionate adult who is rigorously pursuing inquiry in the area of their subject and is inviting students along as peers in adult discourse

3. Students are doing work that is worthwhile and creating sophisticated projects

3.1. Good teachers ask themselves if they are assigning work that they would find interesting and worthwhile

4. Balance between messy and focused

4.1. Brings in real world while keeping connections and assessment focused

4.2. Bringing in whats important in a topic while still finding space for students to find interest and have a voice

5. Topics are sold to students

5.1. Gets them hooked and invested

6. Students have a voice and are empowered & involved

6.1. Empowering students to have an impact

7. Critical Thinking

7.1. Weigh evidence

7.2. Identify bias

7.3. Determine perspective

8. More than simply memorizing facts

9. Through Line Thinking

9.1. Asks provocative and relevant questions that encourage teachers and students to make connections to the 3 S's -Self -Subject matter -Society

10. Engaging in the real world

10.1. Connecting curriculum to outside world

10.2. Taking learning outside of school

11. Disposition towards the topic; The way you approach and think about it

12. Follows the Galileo Rubric

12.1. Authenticity **

12.2. Academic Rigor **

12.3. Assessment

12.4. Life Skills

12.5. Appropriate Use of Technology

12.6. Active Explortation

12.7. Connecting with Experts

12.8. Elaborated Communication

12.9. Compassion

13. Students are "being like" and "behaving like" the discliple (ex: behaving like a scientist)

13.1. Trying on new roles

13.2. More than studying about it; doing it and being it

13.3. Kids are learning to think, act and behave in the ways of the discipline

14. Goes beyond activity mania

14.1. Driving questions that connect to deeper issues

14.2. Student work goes beyond the typical teacher-student relationship

15. Produce things that add value to community

15.1. Active citizenship

16. Benchmarks of Historical Thinking

16.1. Historical Significance

16.2. Primary Sources as Evidence

16.3. Continuity and Change

16.4. Cause and Consequence

16.5. Historical Perspective

16.6. Ethical Dimensions of History

17. Leads to Dangerous Thinking

17.1. Engages students in often unasked questions

17.2. Critiques society and their school institution

17.3. Getting involving in change; Having a voice