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1. Dealing with special text

1.1. Mathematics

1.1.1. Tipically contain a great number of formulas, charts, problems. Do not skip over these special elements. Read the formulas and be sure you understand. Work throught the formula.

1.1.2. Make formulas real by appling them to real-life situations.

1.1.3. Do all exercises, in order and ask help if you need it.

1.2. Graphics

1.2.1. It's important to understand what graphic intend to covey. They engagé different comprehension processes and asking to yourself about every illustration. Table To present pure data Bar Chart To compare quantitative data or show changes Line Chart To illustrate a trend in a series of data Pie Chart To illustrate a share of elements as a part of a whole Map To illustrate geographic distributions Photograph To represent someone or something that you want emphasize Illustration To illustrate part of a item Flowchart or Diagram To illustrate a processes

1.3. Scientific texts

1.3.1. List the hypotheses in the left column of your notes and in the right one, the proof or disproof. Ask if there are other possibilities about the results.

1.4. Social Sciences texts

1.4.1. Put your critical thinking skills because there is the author's points of view and probably it is not so objective and ask always questions to yourself about what you are reading.

1.5. Foreign Language texts

1.5.1. It's very difficult but it is an effort that pays off. Practice a lot, don't translate every word. (Check for resources in ESL)

1.6. Online reading

1.6.1. Look at th URL of the web site. Remember that there is a difference between .org, .com, .edu, .biz

1.6.2. Look at the page's perimeter and the "masthead"

1.6.3. Check the quality of information

1.6.4. Consider what others are saying about the site (

1.6.5. Trust your feeling and impressions about the material and why it was written, by who.

2. Building your vocabulary

2.1. A good vocabulary is essential for success in any role that involves communication.

2.2. Building your vocabulary will make your reading easier and reading, is the best way to build your vocabulary.

2.3. Prepare yourself to learn: be more aware of the words around you.

2.4. Improve your lazy speech:

2.4.1. Be on the lookout for new words

2.4.2. Write down the new words in the sentences in which they were used

2.4.3. Infer the meaning of the word (from the root)

2.4.4. Look up the word in a dictionary

2.4.5. Write the word in a new sentence, relevant to you.

2.4.6. Say the word out loud

2.4.7. Use the word within two days

2.4.8. Schedule a weekly review

2.5. Read, solve puzzle, play games, watch movies, listen podcast or speeches, go to theater, speak

3. Active reading.

3.1. Is a planned, deliberated set of strategies to engage with text-based materials with the purpose of increasing your understanding.

3.1.1. It facilitates the other steps of the Learning cycle.

3.1.2. In college you will be expected to read much more than secondary school.

3.1.3. Text are more difficult, with different styles and from a variety of sources.

3.1.4. You must take personal responsability for understanding what you read and texts should be read before start the class.

3.2. Four steps of active reading

3.2.1. Preparing Think about the text: why instructor has chosen it? What about the author? The syllabus? The content? Your goal? Check your attitude and think yourself like an investigator!

3.2.2. Reading Start by taking a look to your note about what you discover before and put your mind in the right asset to accept new material. You have to discover the answer of your questions. Pay attention to the first and last lines of each paragraph. Think about the relationship among different parts of the text and titles or graphics. Skim quickly Section that are not related to the key questions. Use your critical thinking skill into what you are reading. If you want take few notes at the first reading you can write questions in the left column and jot down any keywords that appear in boldface.

3.2.3. Capturing the key ideas. It's time to commit thess ideas and makes notes, answer the questions, define the key words and memorize. You can underline key ideas but be carefull, less is more. Take annotations in the margin, also different symbol to mark ideas or to indicate something you don't understand. Create your mind map or use the Cornell method.

3.2.4. Reviewing. Write a summary in your own words, in the box at the base of your notepaper, to be sure to have understand. Answer to your question aloud. Think about how each idea relates to other matherials, next class, real life. Compare with your peers and put together your reading notes with your class notes and review both.

3.3. Other tips

3.3.1. Pace yourself: schedule the time and divide the assignment into smaller blocks.

3.3.2. Schedule your reading in good times of the day.

3.3.3. Get yourself in the right place (don't read in the cozy bed!)

3.3.4. Avoid distractions: multitasking will cause you to lose focus and effectiveness.

3.3.5. Avoid reading fatigue: work for about fifty minutes and take short break to refresh yourself.

3.3.6. Read your most difficult assignment early, when you are fresh.

3.3.7. Make your reading interesting: use your critical Thinking skills and be an investigator.

3.3.8. If you have a family try to set also short period of time, or in the morning or in the evening.

4. Discovery the anatomy of a textbook

4.1. Good text are designed to help you learn and there are different sections inside.

4.1.1. Preface or Introduction What the author consider important

4.1.2. Foreword By an expert, it gives an idea about what makes this different from others

4.1.3. Author Profile Short biography of the author

4.1.4. Table of contents The table of contents

4.1.5. Chapter preview What you should pay attention to

4.1.6. Introduction Give a road map to the material. Must read

4.1.7. Applied practice elements Excercise, activities to verify your knowledge

4.1.8. Chapter summary At the end with the key ideas

4.1.9. Review material Additional activities, suggestions

4.1.10. Endnotes and Bibliographies Formal citations and useful for further research