Learning Trends Presenters 2008

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Learning Trends Presenters 2008 создатель Mind Map: Learning Trends Presenters 2008

1. Learning Trends

1.1. Robin Good

1.1.1. Collaboration Tools Created public map in realtime

1.2. Jane Hart

1.2.1. Free Tools

1.3. Tony Karrer

1.3.1. Work Literacy Knowledge Worker - Concept Worker Changes in Work Methods and Skills Gap in Work Skills

1.3.2. eLearning 2.0

1.4. Dave Pollard

1.5. Marcia Conner

1.6. Nancy White

1.7. Sylvester

1.7.1. Closed Communities

1.7.2. Finding resources

1.7.3. Making connections

1.8. David Wienberger

1.9. Wilkins

1.9.1. Many to Many Learning

1.9.2. Amazon Model of Learning

1.10. Allison Anderson

1.10.1. Bob the Intel Employee

2. DevLearn08

2.1. Tim Orielly

2.1.1. Follow the Alpha Geeks

2.1.2. Get Behind a Mentor

3. ELearn 2008

3.1. David Wiley

3.1.1. Openness

3.1.2. Digital, Mobile - Yes

3.1.3. Connect, Personal, Creating, Open - No

4. Learning08 (Masie)

4.1. Tony O'Driscoll

4.1.1. Routinization

4.1.2. What do you have that's different? differentiate it from any other tech Affordance that addresses issue New node