Can I know God Persoally?

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Can I know God Persoally? by Mind Map: Can I know  God Persoally?

1. The Point

1.1. God created mankind different from animals specifically to have a relationship with them.

1.2. Mankind, having lost that relationship through sin, needed to be brought back.

1.3. Most Christians Don't know God Personally even though, that is the whole point.

2. Can be known

2.1. Jn 17:3

2.2. Ps 34:8

3. Must be sought

3.1. Is 55:6

3.1.1. You can find Him NOW!

3.1.2. He is near NOW!

3.2. Jer 29:13-14

3.3. Mt 7:7

4. There is always a step of faith

4.1. Heb 11:6

5. Deeper Rock Video

6. Much of the world does not think so.

6.1. Crazy?

6.2. Hindus acknowledge multitudes of gods and goddesses.

6.3. Buddhists say there is no deity.

6.4. New Age Spirituality followers believe they are God.

6.5. Muslims believe in a powerful but unknowable God.

6.6. Christians believe a loving God who created us to know him.

7. Can't be understood

7.1. Job 11:7

7.2. Job 11:8

7.3. Is 40:18

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