Geography of My Community

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Geography of My Community by Mind Map: Geography of My Community

1. Thornton, Colorado

1.1. Nesting Boxes

1.1.1. Earth

1.1.2. North America

1.1.3. United States

1.1.4. Colorado

1.1.5. Thornton/North Star Elementary

1.2. Partner Discussions

1.2.1. Freeze Dance: students move around room to music, once music stops, discuss with person closest to them

1.2.2. Tell partner something about their community

1.3. Flip Book, write a sentence and draw a corresponding picture

1.3.1. Me

1.3.2. My Street

1.3.3. My Town

1.3.4. My State

1.3.5. My Country

1.3.6. My Continent

1.3.7. My Planet

2. My City

2.1. Review Flip Book

2.2. Class discussion of what is around our school

2.2.1. Build the community around our school as a class Use Google Earth to show streets, trace onto board Students will add to the community Everyone must add one idea

2.3. "Map My City"-- Formal Assessment

2.3.1. Create map of the community that you live in Buildings, Streets, Houses, Stores, People, Animals Use Labels Include a Key Color

3. Types of Communities

3.1. Rural, Suburban, Urban

3.1.1. Rural: Open Spaces, Few People

3.1.2. Suburban: Outside of City, Residential and Commercial

3.1.3. Urban: Tall Buildings, Close Together, Crowded

3.2. Communities Song and Dance

3.3. "From Here to There" by Laurel Croza

3.3.1. Discuss the character's feelings and changes

3.3.2. What communities are present in the book and how do you know?

3.4. Exit Ticket

3.4.1. Community Prediction

4. Communities in Colorado

4.1. Transparency Maps

4.1.1. Three pages: cities, mountains, type of community Partner Discussion

4.2. "C is for Colorado"

4.2.1. Big Map of Colorado with highlighted labelled cities

4.2.2. Full Group Discussion

4.3. Take Home

4.3.1. Talk to Parents

4.3.2. Get Initialed