Christian Belief

Unit 1 AQA Christianity Mindmap

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Christian Belief by Mind Map: Christian Belief

1. Incarnation

1.1. Jesus Messiah

1.2. Word made flesh

1.3. The Son of God

1.4. God's chosen rescuer

2. Death & Resurrection

2.1. The evidence for Ressurection

2.2. Importance of Resurrection: 1 Corinthians 15

2.3. Meaning- forgiveness of sin & victory over death

2.4. Crucifixion

2.4.1. Meaning: x4 - victory, example, atonement & propitiation

2.4.2. Importance: forgiveness and salvation

2.5. Ascension of Jesus

3. Life After Death

3.1. Heaven

3.1.1. Reward

3.2. Hell

3.2.1. Punishment

3.3. Judgement & Grace

4. Sin & Salvation

4.1. Original Sin

4.2. Salvation

5. World Wide Church

5.1. Local Church vs Universal (catholic church)

5.2. Worship

5.2.1. Services

5.2.2. Festivals

5.2.3. Literigcal Calendar

5.2.4. Sacraments Eucharist/Communion Baptism

6. Nature of God

6.1. Oneness of God

6.1.1. 3 Persons, 1 substance- Father, Son & Holy Spirit

6.2. Character of God

6.2.1. Benevolent

6.2.2. Omnipotent

6.2.3. Omniscience

7. Problem of Evil

7.1. Natural Evil

7.1.1. Moral Evil

7.2. How can an all powerful, benevolent God allow evil and suffering to exist?

7.3. Theodicies

7.3.1. Free Will

7.3.2. Purpose

7.3.3. Plan

7.3.4. Punishment

8. Beliefs about Creation

8.1. Genesis 1:1-3

8.1.1. God is Good

8.1.2. God is omnipotent

8.2. John 1:1-14

8.3. Role of Spirit in Creation and Sustaining the world

9. Social Action

9.1. How should Christians behave in the world?

9.2. Golden Principle: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul body and mind & love your neighbour as yourself"

9.3. Charitable Giving

9.3.1. Money

9.3.2. Time