Comparative and historical linguistics

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Comparative and historical linguistics by Mind Map: Comparative and historical linguistics

1. Languages principles

1.1. genetic

1.2. typological

1.3. areal

2. Historical linguistics

2.1. study of language change and development

3. Comparative linguistics

3.1. reveals common and different phonetical, morphological, lexical and syntactic features

3.2. may be compared sinchronically and diachronically

4. The etalon language

4.1. a hypothetical language created for the sake of contrasting languages

5. Features

5.1. Allomorphic

5.2. Isomorphic

6. Agglutinating language

6.1. language in which one word element may represent several grammatical categories

7. treated as a single discipline

7.1. differ with respect to their goals and methods

8. to discover the features they share

9. Metalanguage

9.1. talking about language itself

10. World language

10.1. language spread throught the world

11. Isolating language

11.1. language in which each word form consists of a single morpheme