Addressing Inadvertent Violation of Confidentiality Erin Wheeler

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Addressing Inadvertent Violation of Confidentiality Erin Wheeler by Mind Map: Addressing Inadvertent Violation of Confidentiality Erin Wheeler

1. Confront Natasha about conversation

1.1. Negative: Natasha could get mad and remove her from the practice

1.2. Positive: Natasha could realize what she did was wrong and thank Erin for guiding her

2. Make Natasha's supervisor aware of situation

2.1. Negative: Natasha looses her job.

2.2. Positive: Natasha and the supervisor talk and Natasha recognizes her mistake and thanks Erin.

3. Natasha

4. Core Values:

4.1. Truth

4.2. Prudence

5. Chosen Outcome

6. Leave the situation alone and forget it ever happened

6.1. Positive: Everything goes as planned and Erin finishes her fieldwork and everyone moves on.

6.2. Negative: Natasha may get in trouble which could then lead to Erin also getting in trouble for being aware of the situation.

7. Keep information to yourself but switch fieldwork

7.1. Positive: Completely remove oneself from situation.

7.2. Negative: Supervisor finds out Erin is aware of this information

8. Erin

9. Ethical Principles

9.1. Beneficence 1D

9.2. Autonomy 3H

10. Stakeholders

10.1. Natasha

10.2. Erin

10.3. Erin's parents

10.4. Natasha's practice

10.5. Natasha's client