Get Started. It's Free
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1. Support Only Hourly with on-boarding fee

1.1. 24/7 Support team

1.2. Vacation response

1.3. Emergency response

1.4. $ On-boarding Fee

1.5. $145 per hour

2. Education Only

2.1. Meeting Weekly for accelerated learning

2.2. Covering Soft Skills, Technical Skills, Case Studies, and Site Certification

2.3. Access to Online training portal with 150+ courses. (Normally $3k)

3. Full Program

3.1. Education

3.1.1. Meeting Weekly for Accelerated Learning

3.1.2. Covering Soft Skills, Technical Skills, Case Studies, and Site Certification

3.1.3. Access to Online training portal with 150+ courses. (Normally $3k)

3.2. Support

3.2.1. Vacation Response

3.2.2. Emergency Response

3.2.3. 24/7 Support team

3.2.4. Project planning and coordination

3.2.5. Extra hands for big deployments

3.2.6. Bucket of 30 hours to use at any time

3.2.7. After bucket is used - $100 an hour

3.3. Community

3.3.1. Online chat location

3.3.2. Daily topics discussed

3.3.3. 2x a year social event

3.3.4. Great place for opinions and advice

3.4. Additional Value-add

3.4.1. Vendor Relations

3.4.2. Bulk Purchase Discounts

3.4.3. Industry insight

3.4.4. Discounted online purchasing platform

4. Community only

4.1. Online chat location

4.2. Daily topics discussed

4.3. 2x a year social event

4.4. Great place for advice and opinions