Industrialization and the Progressive Era

Industrialization Mind Map EDET 6005

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Industrialization and the Progressive Era by Mind Map: Industrialization and the Progressive Era

1. Earning a Badge

1.1. Mastery Badge

1.2. Cooperative Badge

1.3. Staying on Task Badge

2. Concerns

2.1. Bullying

2.2. Common Misconceptions

2.3. Monitoring proper behaviors

3. Middle School Students

3.1. Unit Test

3.2. Primary/Secondary Source Document Analysis

3.3. Essay explaining why the Gilded Age is an appropriate name for the era.

3.4. Creating the Assembly Line

3.5. Becoming a muckraker

4. Evaluation Data

4.1. General Observations

4.2. Class Discussion

4.3. Debate on this time period being positive, or negative

4.4. Data from Unit Test saved from Google Forms