Thought leadership: the ins and outs

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Thought leadership: the ins and outs by Mind Map: Thought leadership: the ins and outs

1. Build a network

1.1. Thought leaders never stop networking:

1.2. Current Network

1.2.1. 1) Make a list of your current network 2) Get in touch with them, and see what opportunities arise from connecting

1.3. Build New Networks

1.4. Events

1.4.1. Attend events such as education conferences to expand your network

2. Create a professional persona

2.1. Your professional persona dictates how you come across as a professional

2.2. Personal Image

2.2.1. Dress code? Hairstyle? Professional vs casual clothes? Make-up? Image will affect how people perceive you, and should be paid attention to

2.3. Personal Branding

3. The small, but important, stuff

3.1. There are some things that will make you stand out as professional:

3.2. Business Cards

3.2.1. Have business cards professionally made and always have them on hand

3.3. Head Shot

3.3.1. Have a professional head shot taken to use as profile picture in social media sites

4. Ask for help!

4.1. It is impossible to know everything, so, when in doubt, ask the experts.

4.2. Image Consultant

4.2.1. Hire an image consultant to assist with personal branding

4.3. Graphic Designer

4.3.1. Hire a graphic designer to help with business cards and other personal branding design elements

4.4. Career Consultant

4.4.1. A career consultant can help you plan your future, and make strategic choices on the way to becoming a thought leader

4.5. Psychologist/Therapist

4.5.1. It is important to take care of your psychological health, since being a thought leader is a stressful occupation

5. Examples of thought leaders in education

5.1. Jennifer Gonzales

5.2. Amy Fast

5.3. Danny Steele

5.4. Jimmy Casas

5.5. Robyn D. Shulman

5.6. Jim Tudor

5.7. Heather McGowan

6. Master the field

6.1. Thought leaders have mastered their fields through learning and experience:

6.2. Formal Education

6.2.1. For example, UJ's MEd in ICT Education

6.3. Infrormal Education

6.3.1. For example, reading up on latest developments, YouTube tutorials, news sites etc.

6.4. Continuous Research

6.4.1. It is necessary to 'keep ahead of the curve'. This means reading, reading, reading. Always keep learning!

6.5. Develop Skills

6.5.1. For example digital skills (for online content creation), time management skills, people skills.

6.6. Experience

6.6.1. There are no short cuts to experience - you need to put in the years of work in order to gain experience.

7. Online presence

7.1. A thought leader should have an active online presence:

7.2. Twitter

7.3. Facebook

7.4. Website

7.5. Create LinkedIn Profile

7.6. Blog

7.7. Instagram

7.8. Personal Digital Identity

8. Create Content

8.1. A good thought leader has to constantly CREATE meaningful content

8.2. Creating Content

8.2.1. Avoid simply sharing information on social media, but, if you have to, be sure to add value.