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2020 by Mind Map: 2020

1. things to overcome

1.1. be able to present without nerves

1.2. not be afraid of something new

1.3. Don’t be negative

2. Productivity

2.1. Be more efficient 

2.1.1. Be intuitive

3. Collaboration

3.1. Work better in a team

3.2. Sharing information with people

3.3. Have new experience of work with new people

4. Benefits

4.1. 🧠Being good memorize things

4.2. Having fun studying all my classes

4.3. Have a good overview

5. Goals 

5.1. Write a song

5.2. Overcome my fears

5.3. Buy a car

5.4. Enjoying life more

6. Plans

6.1. Find a job

6.2. Learn French 

6.3. Read 100 books

6.4. Write a book

6.5. Be the best tennis player

7. Creativity

7.1. Originase better my ideas

7.2. 💁🏻‍♀️Be innovative