Camels in Australia

Mind Map - Camels in Australia

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Camels in Australia by Mind Map: Camels in Australia

1. What do these words mean?

1.1. Cameleers

2. Body

2.1. Legs

2.2. Feet

2.3. Neck and Head

2.4. Head

2.5. Coat

2.6. Hump

3. Types of Camels

4. Survival

4.1. Keeping Cool

4.2. Controlling Heat

4.3. Feeding

4.4. Reproduction

5. History

5.1. Why were camels brought to Australia?

5.2. The first Aussie camels

5.3. Camels and explorers

5.3.1. John Horrocks

5.3.2. Burke and Wills

5.3.3. John McKinlay

5.4. Camels on the move