PLN Tools

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PLN Tools by Mind Map: PLN Tools

1. RSS Readers

1.1. All Feeds in one Place

1.2. Content from Various Platforms

1.3. RSS Feed

1.3.1. RSS Importance

1.4. Types

1.4.1. Desktop Podcasts

1.4.2. Web-based New node New node

2. Web 2.0

2.1. Blogs

2.2. Wikis

3. Social Bookmarking

3.1. Share and Collaborate

3.2. Organize Links

3.3. Tagging

3.4. Example

3.4.1. Diigo

3.4.2. Delicious

4. Social Media

4.1. Facebook

4.1.1. Facebook for Educators

4.1.2. Edudemic

4.1.3. Free Technology for Teachers

4.2. Twitter

4.2.1. #edchat

4.2.2. #edtech

4.2.3. @rehabrajab

5. Online Communities

5.1. Ning

5.1.1. Educators PLN

5.1.2. Classroom 2.0

5.2. LinkedIn

5.2.1. Twitter Using Teachers

5.2.2. Technology Integration in Education

5.3. Edmodo

5.3.1. Professional Development

5.3.2. world Languages

6. Other

6.1. Online Conferences

6.1.1. ‘K12 Online Conference’

6.1.2. CO11 Free Online Conference on WiZiQ

6.2. Webinars

6.3. Periodical Journals